Page 58 of Her Hot Neighbor

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“You said you wanted to talk about something. I guess it’s not the new pergola Dorothy wants you to build.”

He stared into his drink.

“We’ve been through so much—you can tell me anything,” I said and meant it.

“After what happened to you, I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. You know my family was a mess when I was growing up. I finally wanted to tell you about it.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I do. I need to move on and let the anger go or it will eat me up and that is not fair on you.” He took a deep breath. “When we were kids, Mom went from man to man, and none of them were good. We lived in more homes than I care to remember, couch surfing a lot of the time. Often the places were filthy, and we didn’t have enough food. Some of the men were violent. Mostly to her but sometimes to us.”

“Oh, my god, Ryan. That is awful.”

“I lied to you about the bike accident that caused me to be sterile.” He took a drink before going on. “I got between one guy and Mom once, and he kicked me down there. The docs at the time said he had ripped tubes or something. I had surgery, but obviously, it didn’t work. When I came out of hospital, Mom had gone back to the guy. That was it for me with her. I lived there until I got older, but I felt nothing.”

I shook my head in disbelief, but in truth as a doctor, I knew such things happened.

“As soon as I was old enough, I left home. I stayed with Jamie’s family, and they really helped me with my apprenticeship. That’s why he means so much to me. Then after the fiasco with my fiancée, I left the state. I’d had enough.” He took my hand. “I wanted you to know why I’m estranged from my family.”

“I’m amazed you grew up so strong after what you’ve been through. Maybe one day I can meet them when you’re ready.” I held him close. “Trust me, my parents are not your normal ones either. What happened to your father?”

“I never knew who he was, and my brother has a different dad.” He touched my cheek with his hand. “Are you sure about not having any kids if we have a future together? I don’t think it’s fair to deprive you of that.”

“Not if. We do have a future. I can do some research and get a second opinion on the damage you sustained. Surgery has come a long way since you were younger. I could ask Grant, with your permission. If all else fails, we can adopt or get more dogs.”

“I’m happy to see anyone if you think they could help.” He kissed me. “How the heck did someone as wonderful as you come into my life? I love you so much.”


* * *

Life was getting better, and Dorothy was proving to be a guardian angel. She cooked cakes and made copious cups of tea. The counseling was helping, and I should have done it years ago when the original stalking had happened. I was stubborn and always wanted to do things on my own. Now I was glad I had all these wonderful people around me.

I truly believed that one day I would be able to put everything that had happened behind me. In the past where it belonged.



I had it all sorted. I was picking up Grant, Charlotte, Hudson, and Ginny. I had booked a minibus to transport them all to the Blue Mountains where I had them booked into a local motel.

I was pretty sure Autumn had not guessed my plan and hoped Dorothy hadn’t let anything slip. The past eight weeks since the kidnapping had been hard on all of us. The fact we were all alive was enough for me. We would get there in the end.

It hurt me inside knowing Autumn was struggling with fear and nightmares. She would say all was fine, but if there was a loud bang she would jump and drop whatever she was holding. At least she had returned to work, and it seemed to be helping.

I would hold her at night, but she’d asked if I could wait until we were intimate again. She didn’t want to be close in that way with other thoughts intruding on her mind. I didn’t care as long as she was safe and happy.

* * *

I waited at arrivals and hugged Charlotte, Grant, and their family when they came through.

Charlotte took my hand in hers. “I can’t believe what you both must have gone through. You know I wanted to come when Grant did, but with the kids it wasn’t possible.” I helped them with the bags.

“To be honest, she wouldn’t have coped. Grant was great that first week and it was what she needed. It was important then that Autumn had someone she knew and trusted from the past.”

“I wished I could have done more and been there when you found her. I am not a violent man, but I believe I would have killed the guy,” Grant said.

“I believe Bluey has helped the most, along with the counseling. He sits with her as she reads books and pats his head. Dogs understand.”

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