Page 31 of Her Hot Neighbor

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When Ryan eventually rolled off, he picked up my hand and kissed it. I sighed with contentment. I was happy. That was a big thing for me. I wanted to say thank you, but the words seemed so inadequate. Not just for the sex but for the things he said and the way he gazed at me. I felt like a complete woman again for the first time in years.

I turned to him, not sure what to say. Instead, I just stared at this handsome man.

“You are one amazing lady. You do know that, don’t you?”

“I’m feeling pretty good. You’re not so bad yourself, kind sir.”

“So, what’s the deal with the fuck buddy thing? Do I get sent home now I’ve done the deed?”

“I think you should stay till morning. I mean, I wouldn’t want to disturb Bluey. I also like the idea of you staying most nights, to be honest.” There, I had said it out loud.

“I like that idea too. I’ll go and check on the little rascal.”

Ryan wandered naked to the other room, and I was glad the curtains were closed. Dorothy would have gotten an eyeful if the lights had been on and he’d been walking around like that. He strolled back in and settled into the bed beside me. We didn’t whisper sweet nothings as that was not what this was about. I had no idea where this relationship might end up, but I was enjoying where it had started.

Ryan cuddled up to my back and wrapped his arm around me. It would be lovely to wake up every day for the rest of the year like this.

* * *

A bark from the other room woke me. Bluey had stayed overnight, along with his owner. The sex was amazing so I was not complaining. I glanced across, and Ryan was just starting to wake. I admired his gorgeous body and was tempted to run my hands over his chest. He grinned and blew me a kiss. I grabbed my nightie, pulled it on, got my crutches, and went out to see how the silly mutt was doing. He probably needed to pee, and so did I.

Bluey ran over and licked my chin when I bent down. He seemed almost back to his normal self. I opened the door and let him outside. When I came back from the bathroom, Ryan was there in his briefs. It was a crime for a guy to have a body that buff.

“I’ll make some coffee if you want?” I offered. “I also want to try calling Grant in the States.”

Ryan sauntered across and put his arms around my waist. “Before you do that, I want to tell you that you’re a fucking incredible woman. You better be leaving that shell in the postbox a lot or I’ll be begging at the front door, and we wouldn’t want to gain Dorothy’s attention.”

“Knowing her, the fact you’ve stayed here is traveling around the neighborhood by text message or smoke signals as we speak.”

Ryan smirked and kissed me. I would have been happy to go back to bed, but Bluey was scratching on the door.

Ryan shook his head. “That darn dog again. If he was a cat, he would have used up most of his nine lives in the past two days. I’ll let him in and make the coffee. You call your friend.”

I opened my computer and set up the connection. There would be questions. Grant might be polite now, but I knew he would grill me with texts about Ryan until he found out all the details later about what was going on.

I got through and could see Grant sitting in his kitchen with Charlotte cooking in the background. He was one of the few people I would let see me in the morning without makeup. Now I could add Ryan to that list.

“Hi, Grant. Great to see you. I just got up and haven’t had a coffee yet.”

Grant smiled. “You still look great. So, did you get all my messages with the dates of when we’re coming over?”

I could not keep the smile off my face. “I did, and I’ve worked out my presentation is a couple of days before yours.”

“That’s amazing. You will knock their socks off. We’re going to Cairns for a few days before and doing a trip out to the reef. Then we’ll stay in Sydney.”

“You can come and stay here for a bit too. The Blue Mountains are beautiful, though it will be cold that time of year.”

Ryan placed my mug next to me and headed back to the bedroom. From the way Grant’s mouth hung open, he had noticed.

“Do I need glasses or did a man only wearing his briefs walk by? Is that the neighbor you mentioned?”

My face heated up as I sipped on my coffee and nodded.

“That was Ryan, and yes, he is my neighbor.”

“From what I could see, he is more than your neighbor. I hope you are getting the rent cheaper?” He grinned. “I think we’re going to have a lot to talk about when I get there. I definitely want you to introduce us.”

At that moment, Bluey wandered over, jumped up, and licked my face.

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