Page 19 of Her Hot Neighbor

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There was a loud crack.

“Autumn,” I yelled. I reached out and grabbed her, pulling her backward so we fell on the ground. She landed in my lap with my arms wrapped around her. Seconds later, a huge branch landed a few feet in front of us, sending up dirt and stones.

Autumn screamed as I rolled over so any debris would land on me. The two of us kept our heads down until the dust settled. Birds screeched as they flew away from the devastation. My heart pounded as I realized how close we had come to possibly dying.

I loved having her in my arms and wanted to kiss and reassure her everything was okay. Instead, I helped her up.

Autumn’s hands trembled as I held them in mine.

“When I heard the crack, I guessed something was coming down. Are you okay?”

“Yes, no. It could have killed us both. That branch is as big as a tree.” Autumn stared at the fallen limb and then at me. “You saved my life.”

“Just part of the service. I have a side job saving damsels in distress from baths and fallen trees.” I wanted to reassure her even if my own gut was turning over. “Now we need to work out how we can get around it.”

The bush was thick on either side of us. I backtracked until I found a place where we could get through.

Half an hour later, I was not so sure. This didn’t seem to be the same track, and it was becoming dark. I decided to stop.

“Are we lost?” Autumn asked.

“No, I’m sure this is the way.” I turned the next bend. The rough track ended with a steep fall down a rock face of at least eighteen feet. We were lost and darkness was setting in. I couldn’t risk it. If we went any farther, we might fall off the edge.

“There was a flat patch a little way back that we can settle in for the night.”

“You want us to sleep in the bush all night?” Autumn said, wide-eyed. “Can’t we call a ranger or check a map on our phones or something.”

I got out my phone and so did she. Neither of us had any reception.

“Nothing. I can’t see any other alternative. It’s too dangerous to keep going.”

We trudged along in silence. She would be putting on her schoolmarm’s face, and I was going to get a telling-off. I probably deserved it.

I cleared a patch of grass by a large bolder, took off my jacket, and placed it on the ground. I could hear her giggling behind me. When I turned, she was almost bent over double laughing.

“I’m not sure what you find funny about our situation? We could be nibbled to death by kangaroos and wombats.”

“I should have warned you about something before we became intrepid explorers in the Aussie bush, Ryan. Everything I’ve done over the past few years has ended up in some crazy way.”

Something about her laughter told me she was breaking a little inside. Did she really believe she brought bad luck upon herself? How could someone so strong be so fragile as well?

“Your chivalrous knight in khaki is here to save the day—or night, rather. Look, I have even lain down my cloak and there wasn’t a muddy puddle in sight.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” she said and did a fake curtsey.

I sat, and she settled beside me.

“Well, let’s check what we have to get through the night.” It was already starting to get dark and soon all we would have were the stars if it was not too cloudy. “We still have the other half of the bottle of wine, and water, chocolate, a bag of lollies, a flashlight, a thermal blanket, and a compass.”

“A compass. You make a habit of getting lost, do you?”

“In Australia, most people tend to pack a bag with a few things in it.”

“I suggest we start with the wine.”

I didn’t bother with one of the cups but offered her the bottle, and she took a swig. I did the same and stared at the bush around us. The leaves rustled in the breeze and apart from the fact we were lost, all seemed right with the world. I had Autumn beside me.

“You know, I’ve been trying to work out how I could spend a night with you. I have to admit this was not part of the plan.” I took a gulp of wine before I peeked at her and offered the bottle back. What would her reaction be?

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