Page 55 of Glamorize

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“So, it’s you. I guess I have something you want.”

“Can I come up? I think we need to talk.” I would pretend I didn’t know everything Mark had told us just yet. The door clicked open, and I made my way to the elevator. All my life I had charged into situations never caring what happened to me. Today I had to keep my wits about me and not let the rage take over.

It had been hard on friends and family, but I had never let anyone in so thought everyone would be fine with whatever happened to me.

Now I had let Avery in. All I knew was that I would not let her suffer because of me. I would get her out of there. The doors opened, and I walked into a stunning room with windows overlooking the ocean. I didn’t care about the fancy furnishings or the views, what I cared about was where Avery was. She was on the far side of the room next to a large dining table. She was bruised and battered and taped to a chair. My hands fisted as I tried to breathe slowly.

“Flynn, watch out,” she called when she saw me. “He has a gun.”

I stopped walking and raised my hands in the air as I turned to the kitchen where Brad stood with a gun pointed at me.

“You have me. I am who you want. Let her go.”

“Why would I do that?” He laughed. “I suppose that squealing coward Mark told you where I was which was what I expected. I think I will get rid of him too. I can’t wait for him to die.”

“Avery has done nothing to you.”

“I know, but I have her and can tell from the way you look at each other, you care. It’s sickening. Thanks to you, my wife left me. My money deals started to go as well. I don’t like it when things don’t go my way.”

“I’m sure we can work something out.” I was hoping and praying Drake would be here soon.

“Everyone thinks my wife is so innocent. Did you know it was her family that got me involved with the money laundering? I see only one way out. You two die and I leave for an undisclosed overseas destination. No one comes here so it will be a while before you are found. I’ll watch the news to see when it happens while I sip my drink and look at the sunset.” He smirked.

This man was insane, and there would be no reasoning with him, but I had to keep him talking until Drake got here. He started to walk toward Avery.

“Now, who shall go first is the question. You know I am finding this exciting. In the past I had people get rid of those that annoyed me. This is new and I like new experiences. I think she will die first as I want to see you beg me to stop. Maybe I can be persuaded.”

I was running out of time as he aimed the gun at Avery. I ran for him, trying to knock it from his hands. He went down, but I heard a loud bang. I didn’t feel a thing at first and thought maybe Brad had shot himself. Then pain hit across my arm. I had to get the gun off him before it went off again. Drake was there and slammed his fist into Brad’s face. The a-hole was out cold as the handgun fell to the floor.

I went to Avery trying to rip the tape from her arms.

“I’m so sorry. You’re safe now,” I said. I just wanted her free.

“You’re bleeding, Flynn,” she said as I glanced at my arm and saw the blood oozing from the wound. Shit. The shot had sliced me open. Then the pain hit again as if someone had slashed me with a knife. “I’ll be fine.” I wasn’t, my legs gave way beneath me. The world was becoming distant, and I was getting cold as Drake wrapped his belt around my arm. He was calling 911, but I had a feeling it was too late.

Avery was there next to me.

“Hold on for me, Flynn. I love you.”

I wanted to say the same, but my brain and mouth didn’t feel like they were connected anymore. I saw tears roll down her cheeks as my world turned to black.



The police and paramedics came. I didn’t want to leave Flynn. He was so pale and his lips looked blue, but he was still breathing. They said Drake had saved his life with the tourniquet. He would need surgery but should make it. He was wheeled away and then a second team examined me. I was numb. They kept asking me questions, but I couldn’t gather my thoughts.

“I’m fine. I just want to make sure Flynn is okay.”

“Your face is swollen, and you look like you have taken a nasty knock to the head. Did you lose consciousness?”

Did I? Then I remembered the man in the corridor. “Yes, when the man knocked me out at the mall. I don’t remember anything until I got here.”

The paramedic shone lights in my eyes.

“We’ll be taking you in and doing a scan to make sure you haven’t got any internal bleeding. They will want to take an x-ray of your jaw as well. Is there anywhere else that hurts.”

“No, I’m fine.” As they wheeled me from the room, I looked back to see the police putting cuffs on Brad. He had come around, worse luck. I hoped he rotted in hell. Drake came over before I left.

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