Page 48 of Glamorize

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When we left the ice cream parlor there were paps and reporters. We got back to my car without having to answer any more of their ridiculous questions.

“I’m sorry that being involved with me means you have to put up with this bullshit.”

“I’m fine. So, what’s next on the agenda for today?”

“We are going to a travel agent to book your ticket. Then we can sit down, and you can pick all the places you want to see.”

“I want to kiss the Blarney Stone. Can you still do that? I know I talk too much and probably don’t need to, but I want to. I’d love to go to Dingle. The name sounds lovely, like a Christmas tree decoration. We could do the Ring of Kerry. Oh, what about Cork and the Cliffs of Moher. Can we do that too? Sorry I’m babbling.”

“We can do all of those things. The wedding is just one day, and I’m not planning on spending more time than I need to around my father.”

“Okay, If I am going to meet them then you need to let me know what I am walking into.” She sat back and waited as she finished her ice cream.

How much did I say? There were things no one knew about my life. I liked it that way. I mean, I didn’t care what anyone thought of me, but I didn’t want them thinking badly of my mother.

“My family is well off. Well, my mother’s side of the family. We have a big house and holiday apartment in the South of France. Another apartment in Paris.”

“That sounds amazing. I should have met you years ago. I want to go to all of those places.”

“And I will take you there. Unfortunately, money did not make my home a happy place. My father is a surgeon, and my mother looks after the estate. She breeds horses and was a great rider. She almost made it to the Olympics. She also deals in artwork. When I was about twelve, she had an accident and fell down the stairs at our home and broke her back.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“She is a strong woman and never gave up. She still performs in disabled races with her carriage.”

“That’s sounds tragic, but why is there bad blood between you?”

“My parents fought all the time when we were growing up. My father cheated on her and hit her. Hit me. Mom wouldn’t leave him. She is a Catholic and believes marriage is forever. I have no problem with that if the people get on.”

“Your father thinks the same?”

“I don’t think so but we don’t talk. He won’t leave the money and the fancy homes. He also knows she would cut him out of everything. He has money but not as much as my mother. Trust me. I have tried to convince her.”

“I shall be happy and cheerful while we visit and if it gets too much we will run away.”

I could cope with even my father if I had Avery by my side.



Ididn’t care about the fire or any of the weird stuff that had been going on. I was going to Ireland, and I was traveling business class again. I could get used to this lifestyle. There were some paparazzi at the airport taking pictures, but I had Flynn by my side, so I was okay. He told me there was a separate entrance you could use if you wanted to avoid the press, but we didn’t bother. Once we were in the lounge nobody paid us any interest.

I could tell he was nervous about this trip. He had not seen his father since they had a big argument. I had never seen his angry side but had been told by Declan that Flynn had a temper. I would help keep him calm if I could but had a feeling this family grievance had been brewing for a long time. I was not going to let it ruin our fun together.

We were seated in our seats that had lie-back flat beds. I was in heaven and even more when they came around with a glass of bubbles. Flynn was next to me, and we clinked glasses. I could not have imagined when I had last flown with Patrick that I would find Flynn and be going halfway around the world with him. Everything was perfect, and I crossed my fingers that it would stay that way. Well, it wasn’t perfect, what with the pregnant lady, the fire, and the mysterious powder, but he was falling for me, and that was the best. Maybe I could get my happy ending after all and with a movie star, no less.

The flight took twelve hours, and I was tempted to see if we could join the Mile High Club, but the bathroom was too small. When we arrived, we headed to our hotel in Cork. The city was old and dignified and very different to LA. The hotel was small and elegant, and the people seemed to know Flynn already. We headed up to our room and I flopped on the bed.

“They knew you by name before you said anything.”

“I stay here when I visit. It’s easier than coping with being at home. Now, let’s catch up on some sleep from the jetlag because I want to ravish you in the morning, and we have a busy time planned as my lovely lady wants to see everything.”

I had no problem with that as my eyes needed matchsticks to stay open. I liked being called his lovely lady too. After some leisurely lovemaking and a big breakfast, I was ready to go. Our hire car which was an SUV was waiting for us. I grabbed my bags and threw them in the back and Flynn headed off. So far, we had not been annoyed by reporters or photographers much. There had been a couple at the airport but nothing else.

“So, what’s first on the list?” I asked.

“Blarney Castle is not too far a drive, and then we can head on down to Kerry.”

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