Page 36 of Glamorize

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Ihad come so close to saying something to Avery when we made love the other night. The only thing that had stopped me was the fear it would make her run. She had been hurt too many times. What did I have to offer? A bad temper, a history of failed relationships, and too many one-night stands to count. I had money and fame, but she wasn’t interested in either of those. Plus, she lived on the other side of the world. She also did not even want people to know about us.

It was the weekend, and the production company didn’t usually shoot scenes, but they wanted to close a main street in Winchester. It would cause fewer problems if they did it early on a Sunday morning. It meant they would be finished by lunchtime so the locals and tourists could get back and not have to do a detour. I was in makeup at six and Bec was there in the makeup trailer as usual all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I wasn’t sure how she could always be so perky.

“Did I notice a flirt between you and Declan’s cousin the other day? She went red when you kissed her hand. I didn’t know you were so chivalrous.”

“I love saving damsels in distress. Trouble is these days there are not so many damsels. More like kiss ass women.” For a second, I remembered Avery as a cowgirl. I needed to clear my mind or I wouldn’t be able to stand because of my stiff dick.

“She is a nice lady so don’t destroy it for all of us. I love her makeup and would hate that she wouldn’t supply us because the local vampire messed up.”

“I get the message. I promise to behave.”

“Now I’m worried. There you are all done. By the way, my brother has his birthday in a couple of weeks. You are welcome to come and bring a plus one.”

“Thanks. I’d like that.”

“I hear we are going back up to Pine Creek for another shoot. I can’t wait. I love that area of Oregon. You should see the new house that Declan has built. It’s amazing with a view of the mountains and everything.”

“I will be there. They have some great local breweries I want to check out.”

I headed out and started to do the scene. I was dragged down the street while they shot the scene from the back of a truck. It would look like a monster was dragging me back toward the gate to the other world. Most of the scenes were done onset or locally at a small town where the original gate was. Now the gates were popping up all over and we had to keep closing them. It was a good storyline.

There were more fight scenes where I was thrown off buildings. Jack was there fighting me too. He wasn’t just doing the stuntman stuff these days and was playing a minor character on the show. He was picking up a few other jobs as well since his work on the film in New Zealand. We grabbed a coffee as we waited to hear if that was it for the day.

“Declan is coming out to my beach house with everyone later. We might even get him to swim in the ocean. You’re welcome to join.”

“Thanks, that would be great.” I wanted to ask if Avery would be there but stopped myself. I had hoped we might get together again this afternoon but would have to cope with others being around. At least I would get to see her. I had it bad.

They called it a wrap and I was ready to go. Back home, I studied some lines for the next day and then packed a bag to go to Jack’s place. As I pulled out of my driveway, I noticed a car parked opposite. The guy inside looked away as I peered at him. I knew most of my neighbors and he was not a regular. He looked older, but I didn’t get a good enough look at his face. I would talk to the security guard that I paid that drove around and checked out my place. This was the third time I had seen this man parked opposite.

He was probably just visiting someone, and I was just being twitchy since the powder thing. It was not like the cops had found out anything and it was probably just some crazy fan. It was a side to the business of being famous that you had to deal with. As I drove to Jack’s place, I thought about Gill again. She had not contacted me so I assumed everything was okay. Maybe she was not pregnant after all. No that couldn’t be right if she was six or so months gone. I would send her a message and check and hope it didn’t open a can of worms.

The cars were all there when I arrived and the house was a buzz with activity. Jack patted me on the back and gave me a beer.

“They are out on the deck or down on the beach.”

I took a swig of beer and headed out but could not see Avery. I hoped I could act well enough to hide the disappointment on my face. Patrick and his partner, Paul were there and soaking up the rays. Then, there she was coming out from inside onto the deck. She was wearing the same swimming costume I remembered from Port Douglas. I raised my beer glass to her, and she smiled back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Declan. “Stop ogling my cousin. You look like you are catching flies. Plus, if you mess her around, I will have to do the whole family honor thing and beat you up or bury you in cement or something.”

“You would lose the fight, plus, I think she could handle herself.” I smiled at him. “Now, what’s this I hear about you going for a swim out there in the big wide ocean today?”

“Not happening. I’ll dip my feet in and that is it.”

“You know if the press ever finds out your tough boy image will go.”

“We all know you are a big softy too. How did the shoot go? Jack said he beat the crap out of you.”

“Like hell he did. It went well.” Everyone sat around and chatted and ate and I managed to get myself a seat next to Avery. “Would you like to go for a swim?” It was the only way I could see that I would get a few moments alone with her.

“I’d love to.”

We walked down the beach and waded in. I had to resist the temptation to grab her hand.

“At least you don’t have to worry about the crocodiles and jellyfish here. It’s beautiful,” she said.

“Just like you.” Okay, it was corny, but I meant it. We swam out and then stood looking back at the shore. “I was thinking I might buy a place out here. I could get used to waking up to this every day.”

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