Page 17 of Glamorize

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“So, what have you got planned for tomorrow?” I asked.

“It’s a toss-up between the cable car ride above the rainforest or wine tasting. What wicked thing did you have planned for us?”

“I like the cable car idea, but I am leaving on the weekend and wanted to go snorkeling on the reef.” It seemed mad to come all the way here and not see it.

“I’ve done that before, and I’m happy to go again just no helicopter ride to get there. Don’t ask why? Maybe we could do the other things on our last day together.”

“As long as I get equal time in bed having sex with you then I’m happy.”

“Me too,” Emmy replied as someone coughed next to us. I looked up to see the skipper with champagne offering us a refill. She had a grin on her face and must have heard what I had said. When she left, we both burst out laughing.

“I think we are getting a reputation, Corey, and I like it.”

“Well, if you’re not too tired when we get back you can scream and add to the reputation.”

“I could be tempted.”

We watched the sun go down with one of the best sunsets I had ever seen. The sky kept changing from minute to minute as if it was teasing us with what to expect next. The colors were magnificent ranging from pinks, to yellow and orange with the blue of the ocean. Some of the clouds had a pink hue and looked like marshmallow. Then the sun went down leaving its rippling trail across the ocean.

Neither of us spoke and Corey squeezed my hand as we relished the moment. This was even better than my first night because we were out on the ocean. This was good, too good. A part of me almost wished it could last forever. That would work until she realized I could be a prick with a temper and had zero staying power when it came to relationships. It was for the best that it was only four days.

Neither my head nor my dick believed that.



The car pulled up at the resort and hand in hand we walked back to his villa. I had a feeling I would not be doing the walk of shame home in the middle of the night this time. I was quite happy to stay and cuddle until the morning.

Corey waved his entrance key over the door and held it open for me.

“By the way, I forgot to mention I like morning sex,” I said as I walked inside.

“Did you read my mind? It’s been a big day, and I am more than glad to sleep cuddled up next to you and wake up eager and ready.”

“I am so glad you said that because I’m falling asleep standing up. I know I said I was keen.”

Corey scooped me up, took me to his bed, and popped me down.

“Now get undressed and settle in while I call and get us hot chocolates.”

“I so adore you right now,” I meant it and almost said more. Like can I keep you? It was four days, and I should just enjoy it as much as I could. He stripped down to his boxers and settled in next to me as we sipped on our hot drinks.

“I had a great day today.”

“Me too.”

I wanted to say so much but I didn’t. I wanted to ask, why didn’t I meet you ages ago when this could have had a different ending than the two of us going our separate ways? When I would be telling you who I really was. I needed to sleep and just enjoy it for what it was. He wasn’t offering any more, and I had not offered any more either.

I woke up in the morning, could feel his strong body behind me, and smiled at his erection pressing into my back. I wriggled back against him as his hand came around and caressed my breast.

“Morning, Sunshine,” he said. I liked that.

We had sex again, showered, and sat on his deck eating breakfast of croissants and fruit as we stared out at the ocean. The staff had brought the food in, and I still couldn’t help feeling self-conscious and going pink. Corey laughed at me when they left. “You are so cute when you blush like that.”

Now he was just making me blush more so I grabbed some food. I was not the blushing sort. More the, let’s go and stuff it if people didn’t like it type.

The rest of the day went with our trip to the reef and snorkeling. The water was so clear, and it was amazing to see all the marine life with the fish swimming by. The anemones and different coral were just stunning an there were even a couple of small reef sharks. I could forget the world as I stared at its beauty. We had lunch on the boat and sat with the beautiful cool breeze. I sighed.

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