Page 8 of Nova

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Fuck this. If I’m going down, I need to take at least one of these bitches with me.I jump to my feet, ribs stinging like a motherfucker, and I swing on Glory first. Yeah, that shit feels good. Her head snaps back, and she lets out a satisfying cry of pain.

Simone’s fist comes flying at me from the side with enough force that it drops me to my fucking knees. “Give up now, and we’ll make it easy for you, Sorceress.”

Sorceress.I hate hearing that fucking nickname. I’m nobody’s sorceress, just young and cute enough to use my looks to get over on unsuspecting fools. “Can’t. Do. That.”

“Too bad,” Tori says before she stomps on my back as I try to get up. “Guess we get to do this the fun way.”

Tori’s fun way is all six bitches beating the fuck out of me. Fists and feet rain down on me, every inch of my body screaming in pain. I hurt all over. So much fucking pain is coming at me all at once, and every time I try to get to my feet, one of these bitches knocks me down again.

“Whore!” Glory screeches a second before a metal pipe cracks over my back.

“You got him killed,” someone else shouts before four or maybe five feet kick the shit out of my sides. “Bitch!”

That last kick knocks the wind out of me, and I’m sure my ribs are broken because I can hardly breathe. Every breath burns like fire. My lip is busted, and blood slides down my throat, but that’s the least of my pain.

A hand grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me back, and I see Simone’s wild, dark eyes staring at me with a wicked smile. “You should have died in that field.”

“I didn’t—” I begin, but again, it doesn’t fucking matter. Simone yanks her fist back and unleashes a fury of fists. My nose. My forehead. My jaw. Over and over, she punches me until my vision starts to blur before the hits stop coming.

Just as I start to relax, she grips my hair again, but this time, she pulls out a knife and begins sawing at my hair. “Just to make sure they don’t know who the fuck you are.” She keeps sawing at my hair and tossing it around until it surrounds me.

“Enough!” Snake Eyes barks his order, and everything stops, going completely silent. “Yeah, we got her.”

I can’t see anything through my swollen eye, shut tight from blood and pain, but I’m sure he was talking to Ghost. This is it, where it all ends. I don’t have the energy to make one last attempt at a getaway, and even if I did, the swollen eye makes success unlikely. I lie completely still and just listen, willing myself to die before they do anything else to me.

“What’s up, Snake?”

“Ghost is on his way. He wants to do it himself.”

Shit.No need to pretend to be dead when I will be soon enough.

“He’ll be here in five,” Snake says with a smile in his voice.

I brace myself for another onslaught of punches and kicks, but nothing happens. After a minute or two, Simone stands over me with her dragon-handled blade and sinks it into my side. I try to bite back the pain, but it’s un-fucking-bearable, and a loud cry tears from my throat.

“Motherfucker!” Goddamn, that pain rips through my skin, sending fire shooting through my veins, and my breathing becomes shallow. I fall back, hitting my head on the cement floor as unconsciousness starts to take over.

“Where’s the traitor?” Shit. It’s Ghost.

Seconds later, his face is right in front of mine, his cold, dark eyes peering down at me, full of hate. He tries to grab my hair, but Simone doesn’t leave much of it for him to handle, and he shoves my head away angrily until it snaps back on the cold cement floor.

“You got Demon killed,” he says.

“Like. You. Care.” He can act angry and irrational, but I know the truth. He’s been itching to become top dog since the day he was jumped into the gang. He’s not angry, but the other guys are, and he needs their loyalty to him.

Ghost crouches down, pulling a knife from his belt. I can barely see with one eye, but the blade glistens under the weak light. The air leaves my lungs as he positions the knife on my neck. I think I’ll suffocate from my fear, but I refuse to let it show. I stare him down with the slits that are my eyes, not breaking eye contact. If I’m gonna die right here, I want the look of defiance on my face etched into his brain.

“I don’t have to care,” he whispers, pressing the tip of the blade into the side of my neck. He shucks his head over his shoulder. “They care enough for all of us.”

I’m breathing too fast, but I can’t seem to slow down. When Ghost sinks that blade deeper into my neck, I start to hyperventilate.

This is it. I brace myself for the inevitable.

“That’s right bitch, say goodnight.” He yanks the blade out, and warm blood rushes down my neck as he presses the blade against my cheek, slicing down left to right and then right to left, marking me.

The pain is too much, and I slowly drift into a dark nothingness of peace.

* * *

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