Page 86 of On the Shore

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“Are you really just going to stand there watching?” he hissed at me, and I covered my mouth with both hands because this was just too good.

It wouldn’t even matter if the mac and cheese was horrible at this point.

“Mrs. Runither, I’m not sure how to answer that question, but I can tell you this,” he said, looking like his cocky self all of a sudden. “I prefer not to be asked inappropriate questions when I go out to eat.”

“Oh, he likes to play cat and mouse? You know I love a man who likes to play.” She winked at me. “Come on, y’all. Let’s get you a table so we can feed the football star. Nothing better than a well-fed man. Am I right, Brinkley?”

“I prefer to be well-fed myself; I don’t really care how much the big guy eats.” My voice was all tease.

We stopped to say a quick hello to J.R., then Lincoln scooped up Gracie and carried her to the table with us. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to help her, considering she kept tripping over her long dress, or if he was using her as a shield from the old horndog, Runither.

When the elderly woman stepped away and we’d settled into the booth, Lincoln leaned forward so only I could hear him. “I will pay you back for that. Get ready for a tiger in the bedroom.”

I whipped my head to make sure Gracie wasn’t listening, but she was too busy waving at J.R.

“Promises, promises. You made the woman’s day. It wouldn’t kill you to flirt with her.” I smirked.

“You’re barking up the wrong tree, sweetheart. She’s not my type.”

“What’s your types, Links?” Gracie suddenly turned her attention to us.

“I’m looking at it.” He stared at me before leaning down and kissing my niece’s forehead.

The man was full of surprises.

* * *

We’d dropped Gracie off at Cage’s house, and he didn’t even give Lincoln any shit for buying her so many things. Instead, he praised the man and thanked him for spoiling his daughter.

When we pulled up in front of my house, I turned to him. “I think I need some fans of my own.”

He chuckled. “What are you talking about?”

“My brother. He’s always grumpy and irritated, but when you’re around, he’s ridiculously cheerful.Thank you so much for spoiling my girl,” I said in my cheesiest voice, mimicking Cage.

“Hey, don’t be jealous that your brother appreciates me and your niece called me her bestie. Serves you right for feeding me to that piranha, Runither. Do you know what happened when I asked you to walk with me to the bathroom and you refused to go with me? Do you?” he said, all loud and boisterous, which made me laugh.

“She followed me. And she was grabbing at my shoulders and reached up and ran those long, creepy nails through my scalp, claiming there was a feather in my hair. I think she drew blood. She really dug her claws in there.” He leaned forward, resting his big head between my breasts.

I couldn’t stop laughing. I ran my fingers through his hair and held my phone up with the flashlight to humor him. “Um. There’s no blood here, buddy. I think you’re going to make it. How’d you get away from her?”

He whipped his head back up to look at me. “I belched in her face and said I was sick. My mother would be disgusted. But seeing as you threw me to the wolves, I had no choice.”

“Hey, if football doesn’t work out for you, I think you have a future in the dramatic arts, you big baby.” I pushed out of the car, and he did the same, coming around to catch my door before I stepped all the way out.

“I’m a big baby? I was violated. Where’s the sympathy?” He crowded me as my back rested against the car, and he pushed in closer.

“Do you need some pampering, Lincoln Hendrix?” I teased, my hands fisting in his T-shirt and tugging his mouth down to mine.

“I thought I was your dirty little secret for now. You want to kiss me in the middle of the street, sweetheart?”

Desire pooled between my legs, and I sucked in a breath. His lips grazed mine, and I squeezed my eyes closed. It was dark out, and I doubted anyone was watching.

But the last thing I wanted to do was blow up my career before it even began.

“Let’s go inside,” I whispered.

His hand moved down between us and slipped beneath my short dress. His finger pushed my lace thong to the side and dipped in just the slightest bit.
