Page 56 of On the Shore

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As he pulled the door open, he told me to be ready in thirty minutes.

I let out a long breath and turned on the shower.

My attraction to this man was undeniable. But acting on it would be foolish.

There was a reason that I had a no-dating policy when it came to professional athletes.

I’d always dated men that were safe.

My last boyfriend, Kaeran, was a real snooze fest, and my siblings had had a field day with his name.

But at least there was no risk there of getting hurt. I’d always been cautious with men. I’d never been that girl that got all hung up on a guy.

I preferred it to be the other way around.

To stay in control in that area of my life.

But when I was with Lincoln, I didn’t feel like I was in control.

It terrified me and excited me all at the same time.

I let the hot water beat down on my back, and I thought about the fact that I was the lucky one who got to write his story.

But our time together would eventually come to an end, and the thought had my stomach churning all over again.

Because I didn’t want this time to end.

* * *

“My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach,” I said as I leaned back in my chair.

“It’s good to take it slow.”

My phone vibrated on the table, and I reached for it. My family was probably wondering what happened to me, as I hadn’t talked to anyone since yesterday morning.

To my surprise, it was an email fromSports Today. I gasped as I read the message from their editor, whom I’d submitted the story to on a total long shot. This particular magazine had never responded to anything I’d submitted.

They were the gold standard of the sports news world.

“Oh my gosh, Lincoln,” I whisper-gasped.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sports Todayis the top sports magazine in the industry. I sent them a submission regarding the article I’m writing about you, as well as a few past articles that I’ve written, so they could see my work. I explained all that we would be covering over the next few months,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

“What did they say?”

“They said they wanted the story, and they were impressed by my writing samples. They want to discuss this with me as soon as possible as well as possibly doing something full time together in the future.”

“Look at you. Way to go after what you want. I think they are all going to be fighting over you, sweetheart.” He winked, and my stomach did these weird little flips.

“So, how will this work? It sounds like you know where you’re going to play next year,” I whispered as I glanced over my shoulder. “I’m guessing you won’t want to wait to announce it. And we haven’t really discussed how it would all work after the story breaks.”

He leaned back in his chair and ran his hand over the scruff on his jaw. “Well, I can’t really be the reason you lose another gig, can I?”

“I mean, I have part of a story to write, but I think there’s a lot more to dive into.”

“Agreed.” He leaned forward and reached for his orange juice. “You can break the news on where I’m playing and tease an upcoming story that you’re writing, as well.”
