Page 113 of On the Shore

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“Yeah, but you’ll come to a game, and we’ll keep talking as much as we can, okay?”

I spoke to Romeo often now, too, and the two of them had become family in a matter of a few weeks.

“That sounds like a plan. Brinkley, you’ve got your big interview coming up, right?”

“Yep. And Lincoln is coming with me, so that will make it less stressful for me, having him there.”

“He gets to go into the interview with you?” she asked.

“He does.” Brinkley chuckled. “I have that story I wrote about him, and they want to print it, as well as offer me a long-term position. But I think with the story being about Lincoln, they requested that he be there, too.”

I had red flags going off that they’d asked me to come along. It was not the norm, and as far as I knew, they didn’t know we were a couple. The one thing Breen fucking Lockhart hadn’t done was expose our relationship, which I was grateful for. Not because I didn’t want it out there, but because I wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt her career. So, in my opinion, it was odd that they’d asked her to bring me along to the interview. Brinkley had a one-track mind, andSports Todaywas what she considered the gold standard of her profession, and she wanted it. She wasn’t going to question anything they asked of her, but I sure as fuck would.

“I know you want to work there, but I think it will be hard for you guys to live so far apart,” Tia said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

“We’ll do whatever we need to do,” Brinkley said.

“Oh, man, you guys are so freaking cute. Well, big news. I broke up with Leo. He never makes time for me.”

I raised a brow. Teenage dating advice was not really my strong suit, and it was the last thing I wanted to talk about.

“How’s the weather?” I asked, and they both laughed.

“We’ll talk about Leo later, when it’s just us,” my girlfriend said. I loved that she’d made such an effort to get to know Romeo and Tia. It meant a lot to me.

“Perfect. Call me later.” She blew us a kiss and ended the call.

“She reminds me so much of myself at that age,” Brinkley said.

“Damn, baby. I would have been all over you when I was a horny teenage boy.”

She moved toward me, standing between my legs as I sat at the kitchen table. “And now you’re just a horny man, huh?”

I laughed. “Only for you.”

And that was the damn truth.



“I need this to go well,”I whispered as we rode the elevator up to the top floor. We’d stayed at Lincoln’s penthouse apartment in the city last night. He said he wasn’t going to put it on the market until we knew where I’d be living. If I took the job here, I’d stay at his place, and we’d travel back and forth.

“You have nothing to worry about. You have a story they want. A writing style that they’ve already said they were impressed by. You already have a great offer fromFootball Live,and you have another interview coming up. The ball is in your court. You don’t need them, baby. They’d be lucky to have you.”

“I know, but I want this one. I’ve dreamed of working here since I was a teenager.”

He nodded. “Just hear them out, and don’t settle for less than you deserve.”

“You’d like them to make me a crappy offer, wouldn’t you?” My voice was all tease, but I could tell it had rubbed him wrong.

“I want this for you, as long as it’s right. I’ve told you that we’ll make it work, no matter what happens.”

“I was kidding. But obviously, it would be easier for you if I just came to New York with you.” I shrugged. “I wish they were located out there.”

“Whatever it is, you know that I support you.”

“I know.” I remained a few feet from him in the elevator. “We have to keep things professional right now, but I’ll be kissing you real hard in an hour.”
