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Cruz nodded towards the bottles of water in my hands, continuing the conversation.

“Drake said you’d asked him to join you and Knox. I know you’re not being a bitch but be careful. Knox has such a strong hold over him that it takes a lot of strength for Drake to be firm with him. Don’t drag him back into Knox’s bed until Drake really wants to.”

“Knox wanted to watch me and Drake,” I explained, guilt eating away at me. “But then it got heated between them and I—”

“Hey Cruz,” some woman said sweetly as she joined us, two seconds before her fist connected with my face. I stumbled, dropping the water bottles as she grabbed the front of my shirt to haul me closer. “You break into my fucking parents’ house and think you can get away with it?”

Pain pulsed through me as she hit me again, this time making me fall to the ground.

“Donovan! It’s a misunderstanding!” Cruz snapped as he tried to get between us, my eyes sliding to the doorway where some guy stood, Stone beside him.

Neither met my gaze, both of them watching the woman.

“I don’t care if she’s your girl, asshole!” she threw back, a pained groan leaving me as she kicked me in the ribs. “Who put you up to it?! I don’t believe for a second that you accidentally ended up in that house!”

“No one!” I insisted as tears burned my eyes, her foot connecting with my ribs again. “I swear! It looked fancy! I thought Stone would be impressed and let me join!”

I hissed in pain as she hit me in the nose, surprise washing through me as she was shoved back and Knox moved into view, his back to me as he stared her down.

“Back off, Beckett.”

Drake squatted beside me, cringing as he inspected my face. My nose was bleeding but I didn’t know what it looked like.

Beckett was fuming and her friend didn’t seem happy about Knox touching her, but he let her handle it on her own.

“What the fuck, Knox?” she spat, glaring daggers at him.

“She didn’t know,” he bit out, clenching his fists. “None of us would disrespect your family and send her in there, so stop pointing fingers.”

Drake helped me to my feet and Cruz appeared beside me with a cloth for my nose. They both fussed over me while Knox kept Beckett away, my eyes burning into Stone who still refused to look at me.

I could end all of this by saying he was the one to drop me off with the job of breaking in, but that would start more issues than it was worth.

“I’m sorry,” I said firmly, ignoring Cruz as he cursed under his breath. “I like your family and didn’t mean to target their house. I saw an opportunity to prove myself so I took it.”

“And how’s that working out for you?” Beckett snorted, Stone finally looking in my direction as I replied.

“I don’t think I’m cut out to be a thief after all.”

She silently watched me for a moment before nodding, but the anger didn’t leave her.

“If you come near that house again, I’ll shoot you without a second thought. Clear?”


Beckett Donovan was exactly as I expected, and I was pretty sure any plans to be allies was now fucked.

“Stone, a word?” she growled as she turned and left the room, her friend and Stone trailing after her.

“Jesus, baby,” Drake murmured once they were gone, taking the cloth from my hands to inspect my nose. “Are you okay?”

“Of course she’s not, Beckett hits like a sledgehammer,” Cruz huffed. “Let her sit down.”

“I’ve had worse,” I mumbled as I prodded at my cheek with a wince.

“That’s not the point,” Drake scoffed, trying to lift my shirt to look at my ribs, but I swatted him away.

“I don’t have anything on under this.”

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