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That was what got his ass thrown in juvie when he was a kid, and like the rest of us, that was where Stone’s brother had found us, bringing us into his operation of theft.

“Shouldn’t you cover my head or something so I don’t see where we’re going?” the blonde bombshell in the back asked, making me curse for the millionth time tonight. “You know, so I can't lead the police back to your hideout later?”

“Do you want a bag over your head since you’re so concerned about it?” I deadpanned, laughter bubbling from her and hitting me right in the chest. I liked women, I’d stuck my dick in plenty over the years, but no one’s laughter had made my dick hard like this before.

“You’re funny. How far are we driving? You might as well tell me if we’re not going to put a bag over my head.”


“Oh, nice and fast then. Good to know.” She hummed to herself for the rest of the drive, and the moment we parked inside the massive garage at the compound, Drake bailed from the car and opened the back door for her.

“Ladies first.”

“I’m not convinced you two are kidnappers,” she said slowly as she stepped out, her eyes taking in the garage. “You’re too nice.”

“We’re not kidnappers,” I groaned, motioning to the painting as Drake pulled it from the trunk. “We’re thieves.”

“I guess you aced that part,” she said dryly and grabbed her bags, my mouth curving into a smile.

“Stone’s going to hate you, just a head’s up. He hates anything pretty and sweet.”

“Aw, you think I’m pretty? You’re going to give me a complex,” she cooed as she followed me.

Drake snorted, giving her a look as if she was stupid.

“Pretty? You’re one hundred percent fuckable. If you need compensation for this inconvenience let me know. I’ll give you as many orgasms as you want.”

I punched his shoulder, gently taking her bicep to keep her close to me.

“Stop being rapey. Maybe you should leave me to handle this since you’ll only piss Stone off more.”

I didn’t particularly want to face him alone. Stone was my best friend but he was also our boss. He was like a grumpy eighty year old man trapped in a twenty-five year old’s body.

“And miss out on this drama? No thank you,” Drake grinned as we walked into the living room, making our way into the kitchen where Stone and Knox were drinking coffee as if it wasn’t almost three in the morning.

“I’m home, baby!” Drake announced as he dropped his arms around Knox’s shoulders and smacked a kiss on his cheek. “Did you miss me?”

“Get the fuck off me,” Knox grunted but I didn’t miss the way his shoulders relaxed at seeing that Drake was alright. They had a complicated relationship.

Knox refused to admit he loved him, and they both fucked women in their spare time as if to make Knox feel less gay. It was ridiculous.

If I had someone to come home to every day I’d be screaming it from the rooftops.

Stone’s gray eyes seared into me, his muscles tense.

“Who the fuck is this? What have I told you about bringing pussy here?”

He’d told me multiple times to stop bringing people here even though some of it was unavoidable. I had friends outside of our circle and as much as Stone hated to admit it, he didn’t mind them being around.

I took a deep breath before tugging Penn in front of me, her candy scented perfume wafting around me and making me want to bury my face in her neck. I refrained from it, deciding to just tell him the truth, but the little minx beat me to it.

“I’m Penn Whitlock. Your friends kidnapped me because they robbed my house and didn’t know I was watching them. Do thieves have some kind of school to go to? You need to test them again because they suck.”

“You fucking kidnapped her?” Stone exploded, his face turning red with anger. “How did stealing turn into kidnapping?”

“In our defense,” I said lightly with a cringe. “We technically stole her so—”

“Get rid of her. Take her home. Fuck, are you stupid?”

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