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“Since you were good, you can come.”

The words had hardly left his lips before I exploded, his thrusts becoming erratic and making me scream. He didn’t give me a break until he came inside me, holding my waist and grinding up into me to prolong his release.

He finally stopped, a softness on his face that he hadn’t let me see last time.

“You like being told what to do.” It wasn’t a question.

“It seems so. Ironic since I ran away from home for being controlled,” I joked, and he nodded in understanding.

“Some people just need to be told what to do out of anxiety, some need it to feel guided, and others do it because they feel handing over the control is what gives them control.”

I eased off him, dropping down beside him and wiping my sweaty brow with the back of my hand.

“Do you like having the control all the time?”


“If you need a release or the control to ground yourself, just ask,” I said softly, intending on climbing off the bed to clean up the mess between my legs but he grabbed my wrist to stop me.

“Why would you even do that? I threw you out into the hallway naked last time.”

“You’re hurting, so we can pretend last time didn’t happen. I really like Drake and if he told me not to sleep with you, I wouldn’t. He means a lot to me. Stop taking your anger out on him and take it out on me instead because he doesn’t deserve it.”

He let me stand this time, his eyes dropping to his cum between my legs.

“I love him,” he admitted, lifting his gaze to mine again. “But I hurt him and now he loves you instead.”

“I think you’ll find he won’t ever stop loving you. You need to meet him in the middle and make him feel valued. Fuck what people think. If you want him, tell the world. I won’t stop seeing him unless he asks me to.” I got dressed, cringing as my panties filled with his cum. “Can I use the bathroom?”

“I’d prefer it if you laid in it all night, but I guess. Come here.” I frowned but did as he asked, hissing out a breath as he pushed my hair out of the way and sucked on my neck, marking me to tell the world he’d fucked me. “Come back in here when you’re done. Don’t make me come looking for you. I meant it when I said you’re staying in here.”

“I promise,” I nodded, giving him a small smile before slipping from the room, almost running into Drake who was leaning against the wall.

He didn’t speak but he followed me to the bathroom, waiting until we were locked in a stall.

“I know your pussy’s magic but how did you manage to tame Knox fucking Carnell?”

I pulled the shirt and panties off before stepping under the hot spray, his eyes dropping lower as I washed Knox’s cum off me.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve heard and felt how he fucks. That was pretty calm,” he stated, stripping off and joining me. His fingers pushed into my pussy, playing in what was left of the cum. “I also heard what you said to him. Would you really stop fucking him if I asked?”

It was hard to think with his fingers between my legs.

“Yes. You and Cruz are really important to me. If sleeping with Knox is a problem then I’d stop straight away.”

“I want to know why you’re sleeping with him.” His lips pressed against my neck, trailing across the mark Knox had just left on me. “Are you doing it for you, or because you pity Knox?”

“Why the fuck would I pity him? He’s good in bed and I think maybe giving him something to take his anger out on—”

“So you’re doing it for me?” he cut in, his teeth sinking into my skin and making me whimper as he removed his fingers from my pussy.

“Believe it or not but it’s not exactly a chore,” I grinned, relieved when he laughed and pressed against me, his lips brushing over mine.

“I know how that man fucks and I honestly don’t blame you. I love that you try to make him see sense baby, but me and him are over. He can’t fix it. He’ll never publicly date me and we’re not compatible outside the bedroom. It won’t work.”

“I think he really misses you.”

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