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“Why should she stay locked up here as if she’s being punished?” Drake snapped, shoving at Knox’s chest. “I want to take her out to do stuff!”

“That’s because you’re a selfish little cunt, Drake. You’re not thinking about anyone else, you’re just thinking with your dick. Don’t you realize you’re putting everyone in harm’s way by risking it?” When Drake stayed silent, Knox turned and grabbed my bicep, pulling me into him roughly. “See this girl? The one you’ve all of a sudden fallen in fucking love with for some reason? I’m not saying this to be a dick, quite the opposite actually, but how will you feel if you keep sneaking her out and she gets hurt? Or taken? Maybe even killed? Feel free to be reckless but don’t drag her into it.” He started dragging me along the hallway and my muscles tensed, but I relaxed when he spoke, his voice quiet. “I’m doing this for your own good. I don’t have to like you to not want you dead. Drake and Cruz know better but if you’ve been locked in that fucking castle of yours forever then you probably don’t understand the danger you’re currently in.”

I had no idea why he cared if I lived or died but I let him have his way, calling over my shoulder to the guys before they could start throwing hands at Knox.

“Me and my new bestie just gotta hang out for a couple hours, don’t worry!”

Drake was cursing but it seemed Cruz told him to stand down, so I let Knox drag me into his bedroom, the door slamming behind me.

He released me once the door was locked, pointing to his bed.

“Sit there, don’t move.”

“Are we just hanging out or is this a booty call? Because after the last time, I’m not sure I want another wrestle with you, big guy.”

I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him to talk because he obviously had something to say.

“I can fuck you if you want but you know I don’t cuddle,” he grunted, dropping onto the bed and putting his hands behind his head. “I’m just doing what the boss wants. Keeping you here.”

“If you’d just asked nicely I would’ve stayed.”

“Doubtful. You don’t listen any other time.”

“That’s because you guys keep treating me like a prisoner.”

“Whitlock,” he gritted out, eyeing me with annoyance. “Technically you are a prisoner.”

“I just want to be useful like everyone else!”

“Fucking blow me then because there’s no way in hell that Stone’s going to let you go on big jobs. You’re a liability”

He gave me a dirty look as I laid down beside him on my stomach, watching him intensely.

“So tell me how you got rid of the body then. Did you just drop him in the ground like a plastic wrapped burrito and cover him up?”

“For starters, we take them out of the plastic before putting them in the ground. They decompose faster,” he muttered, looking up at the ceiling while he talked. “But yes, I buried him.”


“Should I have jumped in and kept him company?” he deadpanned, making me huff.

“No, I mean, did you do it alone? Isn’t that a lot of work?”

“Yes, which is why I can confirm that I don’t want to keep burying bodies for you. I fucking hate digging holes. You’re lucky I didn’t throw you in there with him because you’re becoming a real pain in the ass.”

I watched him silently for a moment before tilting my head. He was so grumpy all the damn time.

“When did you get laid last?”

“When your cunt was on my dick,” he answered, turning his attention to me. “Why?”

“I think if you got laid more, you wouldn’t be so uptight.”

“False. I fucked Drake daily, sometimes more. I was still a dick. Feel free to climb on and test your theory though. You’d better have good stamina because I don’t like any of that slow sensual bullshit. Hard and fast.” He seemed surprised when I reached for his pants, confusion in his tone. “What are you doing?”

“Fucking you so you stop scowling for five minutes. Don’t throw me out this time though or it’s never happening again,” I warned, his eyes tracking my every movement as I tugged his sweats down, freeing his impressive length.

He didn’t stop me as I got on my knees and fisted him, wrapping my lips around the head before swallowing him whole. He grunted but didn’t say anything, so I made sure to keep a faster pace like he’d asked.

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