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The first guy was a dumbass.

The blond guy scoffed. “There’s not supposed to be a woman living here. We’ve been keeping an eye out all week and no one’s been here for two days. Maybe he lets the staff stay here sometimes, that would explain the women's items.”

“Doubtful. The guy seems like a piece of shit. Oh! There it is!” The dark haired guy walked towards the painting Dad had bought me for my eighteenth birthday and relief hit me. If they knew the value of that painting then they were just here to rob us.

They weren’t here to rape me or anything crazy like that.

I should’ve been more careful but I couldn’t help myself as I leaned out from behind the curtains a little to get a better view. They were both wearing black clothes, and gloves on their hands to avoid leaving fingerprints. If I were to guess, I’d say they were professionals.

Fucking hot ones at that.

They couldn’t have been much older than me.

“Do you think there’s anything else here we could take, Cruz?”

At least now I had a name.

As if knowing I was here, the blond guy scowled, his voice dropping as he glared at his friend.

“No names, asshole. What kind of rookie bullshit is that?”

“We need code names for missions!”

“Then call me Daddy,” he deadpanned. “We came for that painting so now we’ve got it, let’s go.” He started walking towards the door, and a slow smirk spread across my face. I should’ve stayed quiet since they were leaving but I hoped they took more, preferably some of the paintings from Dad’s office. They were his pride and joy.

“If you go into the office at the other end of the hallway, you’ll find paintings worth more than that. Hell, the safe’s in there if you want it. Six-two-two-seven-zero-five.”

Cruz spun around with narrowed eyes but his friend let out a scream, almost dropping the painting.


“I’m an intruder?” I asked with a chuckle, pushing the curtain back to get to my feet. “You’re the ones in my bedroom playing with my panties and art, not that I’m complaining about the art. I hate that ugly thing.”

“You’re a fucking goddess. Who are you? I’m—”

Cruz smacked the back of his friend’s head to shut him up, a scathing glare on his face.

“Would you shut the fuck up? Don’t tell her your name, idiot.”

“Might as well since I know yours, Cruz,” I answered dryly, walking towards them. “Oh, I’m sorry. I mean, Daddy. How’d you get in here? Dad’s security is ridiculous and I can’t sneeze in here without him knowing.” Cruz cursed, raking his hand through his hair and most likely spreading his DNA to the carpet. “Stop touching your hair. I thought you two were professionals but maybe I was wrong. Did you turn the cameras off?”

“Of course we did,” the cheerful one said. “We can disable anything.”

“Wait, you turned it all off?” I asked and went to leave the room but Cruz grabbed my bicep to haul me back, my skin tingling from his touch. “Wow, you’re grumpy. I’m starving so I was going to get something to eat. You want something?” He went to shut the door but I kicked my foot out to stop it. “You don’t want to do that. It only unlocks from the outside.”

“You’re locked in here?” His eyes assessed me carefully as I nodded. “Why?”

“I’m obviously a princess. Duh.”

“Who are you?” he demanded, and I figured I’d just tell him. I didn’t get to talk to people unless I broke out, so I was more than happy to blurt out my life story if they’d asked.

All it would do was piss Dad off if he found out, which was fine by me.

“Officially? Penelope Whitlock. I prefer Penn though,” I shrugged. “I was serious about the safe. Clear it out for all I care. The dumb fucker deserves to lose his shit.”

“Stay here,” he answered bluntly as he grabbed his friend and tugged him into the hallway, locking me inside again.

“You’re hilarious, asshole. It’s not like I can fucking go anywhere!”

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