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Drake wanted to mope in bed so Cruz headed into the office to stake out a house on the cameras, leaving me to have breakfast alone. It was after nine so most people were already gone for the day, but I sure as fuck wasn’t expecting Knox to walk in and demand my attention.

“I need to talk to you.”

“I’ve literally just woken up, can you yell at me later?” I whined, scowling as he grabbed my bicep and started pulling me from the room before I could even make a damn coffee. “Knox, I’m not in the mood.”

“I’m not talking to you where anyone can hear us,” he growled, dragging me down the hallway to his room and shutting us inside. “You have to help me.”

“I don’t have to do shit,” I threw back, crossing my arms tightly.

“Please?” It pained him to say that, I could tell. “I need to fix things with Drake.”

“Can you tell everyone you love him?” It was a simple question, one that made him scrunch his nose. “Then don’t bother trying. You’re wasting his time.”

I went to leave but he grabbed my throat and slammed me back against the door, his frustrated eyes on mine.

“He’s mine, Whitlock. Don’t fuck with me, or Stone will be the least of your problems.”

“Get your fucking hands off me!” I hissed, yanking at his wrist but he didn’t budge. “Let go!”

“Drake’s soft, can’t help falling for the needy, but I see right fucking through you. You’re going to leave him high and dry the moment you can,” he sneered, his dark brown eyes burning into me. “You want to leave? I’ll help you get out of here.” I stopped fighting for a second, the tempting thought flickering in my head. I’d love to get as far away from Kingslake as possible, but could I leave Drake and Cruz behind? “That fact that you’re thinking about it tells me all I need to know.”

“When you’ve been abused your entire life, you’d want to run too,” I bit out, flinching slightly as he put his lips against my ear.

“You don’t know me, Whitlock, so don’t pretend you do. Every single person in this compound has a dark past that they’re trying to escape. You think you’re the only damaged person here?” His fingers flexed on my throat but he didn’t move. “Welcome to the real world, where no one gives a fuck about your scars because everybody has them.”

“The reason no one gives a fuck about scars is because damaged people have learned not to need anyone,” I murmured, his body going rigid as my fingers curled in the front of his shirt. “Maybe stop acting like a brick wall and let people in for once. You might be surprised how much people give a fuck.”

He yanked back with a snarl, his fist smacking against the wall beside my head but I was done with his intimidation. I kicked my foot out, making him stumble, and I quickly slammed my fist up under his chin.

He was so surprised that he almost fell back, his furious eyes on me.

“Oh, you’re done playing the meek little princess? It’s about fucking time.” His fingers tangled in my hair as he jerked my head back, yanking me closer to avoid raising his voice. “Drake and Cruz are so blinded by your pussy that they don’t notice how fucking fake you are. You’re just a cock hungry whore and you’re using them. You’d throw us all under the bus if it meant saving yourself, Stone’s right about that.”

“Who hurt you?” I demanded, his eyes narrowing. “Who hurt you so badly that you decided hating the world was the best alternative?”

He slammed my back against the wall, his jaw clenched so tight that I was surprised his teeth didn’t break.

“You want to know how fucking damaged I am?” I stiffened as he pressed against me, his dick as hard as a rock in his pants. “My hate for you makes me hard. I want to ruin you. Use you. Make you realize how little you matter.” My breath caught as his hand dropped between us to cup my pussy firmly. “I want to fuck the life right out of you then leave you bleeding on the fucking floor, because that’s what you deserve for taking him from me.”

“You think you can hurt me by using me?” I asked dryly, holding his gaze. “Casual sex is all I know, I like it, so go ahead and fuck me if it’ll make you feel better. It won’t change the fact that Drake left you though and it won’t make him come back.”

“It’s your fault! We were fine until you got here!” he roared, losing his temper.

“You mean he put up with your shit until someone made him realize what he was worth? Drake craves love, even you know that, so don’t be a selfish prick if you’re not willing to give it to him,” I gritted out, shoving him but he didn’t move this time. “If you’re going to hate-fuck me, hurry up. I have things to do today and you’re wasting my time.”

He looked torn for a moment before turning me around and smacking my face against the wall, pinning me there as he pressed his erection against my ass.

“You really are just a thirsty whore, begging for everyone’s cocks.” My heart beat harder in my chest as he grabbed the back of my sweats, tugging them to my ankles and almost tripping me as he yanked them off me, tossing them aside. He ripped my shirt as he forced it over my head, leaving me completely exposed and at his mercy. “You thought you were damaged before? Wait until I’m finished with you.”

A chill ran down my spine as he forced the head of his dick between my legs, a burning pain starting since he didn’t bother warming me up first, edging in further and further until he was all the way inside.

Luckily all our fighting had made me wet, or it would’ve been so much worse.

“I’ve been broken by experts,” I whispered, peering over my shoulder at him. “But feel free to try.”

“You sure you want that? I won’t stop until I’m done.”

“That’s a little rapey.” I gasped as he pulled out and slammed back in, his voice low with warning.

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