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The walk to the car was fine, and I relaxed a little once we were locked inside.

“I can see him in my mirror. He’s hanging back to see where we go,” Leah said as she took her time putting her seatbelt on.

“Where do we go? We can’t lead him back to the compound,” I stated, and she started the car and flashed me a smile.

“I feel like a drink, don’t you?”

“Now’s not really the time, Leah.”

“Nonsense,” she chuckled, driving towards Hawthorne Heights.

Sure enough, a car soon trailed behind us and I checked my phone again to find a message from Cruz.

Cruz: They know you’re coming. Ditch the car when you get there and they’ll bring you back to the compound when it’s safe.

“Where are we going? Cruz said they know we’re coming,” I said slowly.

“Devil’s Dungeon. They should fuck off once they realize it’s a crew establishment. Not many people fuck with the Devils or the Psychos so bringing heat to their door isn’t something people want to do,” she answered, glancing in her rearview mirror. “This guy’s alone so I doubt he’d be stupid enough to try and snatch you right in front of Hunter Rivera.”

My leg bounced nervously for the rest of the drive, and my stomach dropped when the car behind us turned into the parking lot at Devil’s Dungeon, a black van appearing behind it.

“They’re following us and they’ve got company.”

“Good. They just got themselves trapped,” Leah answered brightly, parking and switching the engine off.

The van stopped in the entryway to block the guy in, and my eyes darted around the perimeter. It was surrounded by a tall fence, so my stalker had nowhere else to go.

“What if he shoots me?” I whisper-yelled.

“He won’t get the chance. C’mon.”

We climbed from the car and I turned to face the guy who’d followed us, the idiot not realizing he was trapped. He stalked towards us with a sadistic smirk, but a sudden wall of leather moved in front of me, their back to me.

“Can I fucking help you?”

I recognized the voice as one from last time I was here, so I relaxed and tried to peek around him to see what was happening. The stalker was glancing around, suddenly realizing he was cornered.

“Uh, hey. I don’t mean to bring trouble to your doorstep, but that girl needs to come with me.”

The van doors slammed as some of the Bloody Psychos approached us, and one gave me a bored look.

“Do you know this guy?” I shook my head and he returned his gaze to the man in front of us. “Seems she doesn’t know you. I think you’ve got the wrong girl.”

“Penelope Whitlock. She’s from—”

“I know where she’s from,” the man shielding me said sharply, stepping closer to the man. “I also know she’s a grown-ass adult. If you get in your car and leave without a problem, I won’t shoot you. How does that sound?”

“But—” A gun clicked and my eyes widened, but Leah was grinning with amusement. I didn’t see how this was at all entertaining. The last shoot-out had sucked balls. “Okay! Jesus, dude. You don’t need to be such a—”

A single shot rang out and I scrambled backwards, as the man fell to his knees with a scream. Nausea swam through me as I stared, pressing my hand to my stomach as it twisted violently.

The Psychos grabbed him and started dragging him towards the van, one of them heading toward the man’s car.

I watched them all leave, and the guy in front of me turned around, giving me a quick once over.

“You good?”

“Peachy. Sorry, I didn’t know Cruz would call you,” I apologized as I tried to calm myself, earning a small smile in return from him.

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