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"Penn’s given me more in the last day than you ever have. If you knew me at all, you'd know what the problem was and you'd be willing to meet me in the middle. I'm not asking you to let me shove my dick in your ass for once or marry me. I just want you to openly show the world I'm yours." His voice cracked and he opened the door, looking back at me. "I can't do this anymore."

"Babe, don't—"

"I said I'm done," he snapped, determination in his eyes as he glared at me, masking his hurt. "I won't let you use me anymore." He slammed the door, leaving me staring at it as I tried to figure out what the fuck just happened.

It took me a second to understand that the little fucker had broken up with me, and pain filled my chest as I sat on the edge of my bed without taking my eyes off the door.

I couldn't imagine not having him by my side.

Sudden rage filled me and I let out a roar of frustration, shoving everything off my bedside table before putting my fist through the wall again, throwing things around the room until I ended up dropping back on the bed and scrubbing my hands over my face.

I wanted to blame Penelope, we were fine until that bitch got here, but deep down I was angry because I knew it was my fault.

I'd lost him because I'd pushed his needs aside for months thanks to my own fucked up emotions.


“You look hot in that,” Cruz murmured as we crept around the side of the building. It was mid-morning and he’d somehow gotten me past Stone and into the car.

We were in Crestford, our bodies covered in all black, and we both had balaclavas on to hide our faces. Luckily we were on the edge of Crestford and Hawthorne Heights, or someone definitely would’ve called the cops by now.

“I’m glad covering my face turns you on,” I deadpanned, his body stiffening as we heard a noise. I stayed still while he peeked around the corner, my heart rate increasing with excitement and fear.

We could get caught and arrested. We were breaking into someone’s house to take a painting but Cruz swore it would be a two second job.

He motioned silently for me to come closer and he let me peek around the corner to see what was going on.

“What do you see?”

I observed the property, not noticing much other than the car in the driveway was dirty. Cruz shuffled closer, moving beside me so he could see properly too while explaining it to me.

“The gate’s wide open. Rich people don’t have dirty cars, they make sure the staff keep them clean. There’s multiple sizes of shoes on the doorstep meaning there’s more than one person who lives here, and the sound we heard is telling us that someone’s outside.” As if on cue, a man in a crumpled suit wandered into view from the other side of the house, speaking angrily into the phone. He stormed inside but left the door open, and after a moment he walked back out, slamming the door and heading towards his car. “That suit—”

“It looks like a cheap one,” I said slowly, starting to understand the things Cruz wanted me to look for. “The dirty car means there’s no one here to wash it.” I started comparing the house to the one I’d grown up in, more things making sense. “The windows look basic and probably don’t lock. There’s no fancy lock on the door so it’s doubtful there’s an electronic security system. I don’t see any cameras either.”

The man drove off in a huff, still on the phone, and the gate didn’t shut behind him.

“Rich people try to keep others out, right?” Cruz chuckled, pulling back and standing. “He’s trying to be one of the rich but he’s failing. He’s most likely got rich friends and he’s faking it, or he’s slowly climbing the ranks with the rich and hasn’t got the funds for dumb shit like staff. In most cases we’d have to keep an eye on the house for weeks prior to learn patterns, but we planted surveillance over the road a while back. He lives alone, his wife and kids left him and he spends a lot of his time drunk or in the office. He doesn’t have a dog either.”

“So we’re just getting the painting and leaving?”

“Yep. In and out. Follow my lead. Don’t touch anything without gloves on either.”

I gave him a flat look that I hoped he saw through my mask.

“Says the thief who broke into my house with his buddy without a mask on, and you guys kept touching your hair and leaving DNA everywhere.”

“See why Stone doesn’t like me and Drake on jobs together without supervision?” He started moving along the wall toward the back of the house, and I followed while glancing around. I was so paranoid of getting caught.

Towns like this had security everywhere and if neighbors saw us they'd call the cops straight away.

“Can’t we use the door?” I whisper-yelled as Cruz wiggled a window loose and pushed it open, his amused eyes on me.

“Where’s the fun in that? C’mon, I’ll give you a leg-up.” I didn’t want to go in first but I also didn’t want to be out here in case someone saw me, so I let him help me through the window and I scanned the room as he climbed in behind me, his hands moving to my waist absently as he assessed the room. “We’ll look upstairs first. Stay close and try to avoid windows.”

He walked ahead of me as we made our way through the quiet house, and I was impressed by how quiet Cruz’s steps were. I swore I found every squeaky floorboard in the entire damn house, but he didn’t make a single sound.

Once upstairs he headed into the master bedroom, his eyes lighting up.

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