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“It’s a job and you’re going,” Stone snapped as he stalked in, his eyes on me. “If you’re here, make yourself useful.” He tossed me a bag that smelled like stale socks, and I frowned.

“What is it?”

“My washing.” Fury and humiliation washed through me, a cruel chuckle leaving him after a moment. “Aw, the princess doesn’t know how to?”

“Fuck off, Stone,” Cruz muttered, snatching it from my arms and throwing it back at his chest. “She’s not your maid.”

“Everyone here earns their keep. If you insist on keeping her here then put her to work,” he bit out, and Drake moved beside me, crossing his arms.

“She can come on jobs with us.”

“Like fuck. Are you stupid? She’s not a thief,” Stone barked, getting in Drake’s face. “You’re letting her pussy go to your head. Stop panting after her.”

“Hey!” I argued, jabbing a finger in his chest to make him step back from Drake. “He’s not panting after me!”

He grabbed my chin painfully as he jerked me closer, glaring down at me.

“Rich cunts like you get your rocks off with bad boys like Drake, then you run home to daddy and brag to your girlfriends about the wild time you had. You don’t think we’ve seen girls like you? You’re using him and everyone sees it but him.”

“Why do you think that?”

“He’s not exactly boyfriend material,” he grunted, and I saw red. Drake’s shoulders dropped a fraction and I slapped Stone as hard as I could, the room becoming eerily silent. Stone’s eyes burned into me and his fingers tightened, bruising my jaw. “If you get rough with me again, I’m going to smack you in the fucking mouth. I don’t care who your daddy is or that you have a gash between your legs. If you’re woman enough to hit me, then you’re woman enough to get hit back.”

“I respect that, but Drake’s not the stupid asshole you make him out to be. He’s kind, funny, smart as fuck, and you’re lucky to have him here. Stop speaking about him like he’s trash or I’ll hit you with my fist next time,” I said in a low voice, yanking back from his grip.

Cruz was trying hard to contain his amusement as he handed me a fresh plate and steered me towards the table, gently pushing me down into the seat before joining me.

People had slipped from the room to avoid the drama but some lingered.

Stone pointed in my direction, his eyes on Drake. “Since she’s acting like your girl, keep her in line. One more problem and I’m not playing nice anymore.”

“This is nice?” I scoffed, and a snicker left Cruz.

Stone started barking orders at people, making them scatter, and Drake dropped down on my other side with a chuckle.

“It’s hot when you run your mouth. You two would have insane angry sex.”

I scrunched my nose at the thought, picking at my bagel.

“Pass. He doesn’t deserve good pussy.”

A snort behind me made me glance over my shoulder to find Knox still standing on the other side of the counter.

“Good pussy and easy pussy are two different things.”

“Drake doesn’t mind it,” I said with a straight face. “Right, baby?”

Drake literally swooned, his soft eyes looking at me like I hung the damn moon. My stomach fluttered with butterflies at the thought of meaning so much to someone.

It had been a long time since someone had cared about me.

“You’ve got that premium pussy,” he confirmed, sliding his hand onto my thigh and eating his breakfast with his other. Knox’s eyes were glued to where Drake touched me and I didn’t miss the flicker of confusion in his eyes.

Guilt hit me for a second before remembering it was his own damn fault, and it wasn’t like they were exclusive.

Knox fucked lots of girls apparently.

He finally stomped off, and Drake’s shoulders visibly dropped, making me realize he’d been trying hard to act like Knox wasn’t getting to him.

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