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“Good. Managed to get the three sculptures for last week's client, and we snagged a bonus painting too so Stone can find a new home for that with some of the buyers this week. What did you guys get up to?”

He stripped down to his boxers and climbed in on Penn’s other side, and she instantly rolled over to drape an arm around his middle. I was happy to spoon her, I wasn’t going to get mad about it.

“Took her to the track for a while but we ended up leaving and going to the beach.”

“By the amount of hickeys on both of you, I assume the beach was fun? Or did you nail her in my bed like an asshole?” he joked, kissing the top of Penn’s head. “As long as I don’t have to sleep in a fucking wet spot, have at it. From the mood your boy’s in, I’m not surprised you needed a release.”

“We had a fight but it’s fine. Penn cheered me up.”

“I bet she did.”

I was quiet for a moment before answering, my eyes meeting his in the dark.

“I felt better before that part. Tonight was nice. She gets me in ways that Knox doesn’t. Does that make me a bad person? Knox and I have been banging for years but this—”

“Knox doesn’t give you affection, so I’m not surprised if you’re feeling like you’re in a rut. You need to make up your mind on what you want, Drake. I know you love him and you guys are good together, but is he the one for you?” he asked gently, my chest aching at the thought.

“Am I an ass for wanting him to show me off? Fuck, I’m such a little bitch,” I snorted, and he reached over Penn to pat my shoulder.

“That just makes you want to feel important. You’re not a dirty little secret, so if that's how he wants to keep it, then maybe it’s time to end it. Relationships need balance and as much as you guys have the passion and feelings for each other, you’re not happy. Make him listen to how you’re feeling. Expect him to go apeshit in the morning though because dude, you’re covered in hickeys,” he chuckled, making me grin proudly.

“Wait until you see my back.”

“You’re so dead. If he goes after Penn I’m sorry, but I’m knocking his ass out. Just so you know.”

“I’ll hold him still for you if he does anything. He doesn’t want to be exclusive because it’s too gay? Then I can fuck who I want. Penn said she’d show me off, you know?”

Cruz knew how much that meant to me, I’d spoken to him a lot about how hurt I’ve been when Knox continued to keep me a secret.

He refused to say he loved me which was really starting to sting.

“Girl’s got good taste then. We’re the two good looking guys of the group,” he answered with amusement. “For real though, you’re always welcome in here with her even when I’m not home. Hell, even if it’s just me here, you know you can jump in. Just don’t touch my dick.”

“Only if you promise to touch mine,” I snickered, not surprised when he smacked my arm.

“Don’t count on it. Get some sleep, I have a feeling you’ll need it to deal with Captain Cunt and Deputy Dickbag.”

He wasn’t wrong. Tomorrow would suck.

I snuggled into Penn, placing a kiss on her shoulder. “Night, Cruz.”

“Night bro.”

Chapter Nine


I woke up tangled in limbs, opening my eyes to find Cruz sleeping in front of me. Drake mumbled in his sleep behind me, his morning wood digging into my butt.

I wriggled, an amused chuckle coming from Cruz as I looked up to find his eyes on mine.

“If you want a sandwich for breakfast, all you have to do is ask.”

“I want a sandwich,” I replied without hesitation, dropping a leg over his hip, his solid dick pressing against my pussy. “Extra mayo.”

“You’re going to get me in so much fucking trouble,” he murmured, his fingers toying with the elastic on my shorts. A fist smacked against the door just as he went to kiss me, and Cruz sighed, rolling onto his back. “Yeah?”

“Is she in there with you or did you lose her again?” Stone gritted out. “And where the fuck’s Drake? His phone’s off.”

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