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“Because it’s still sleep time. You’re lucky I didn’t show up in my birthday suit,” I retorted, reaching out to grab a grape from the platter in front of me and popping it into my mouth. “What’s this all about? You never invite me to join our guests.”

“For good reason too,” he grunted, a distraught look crossing his face as he turned to the man and woman. “I’m terribly sorry. She’s always been like this and I don’t know how to fix her.”

I snickered, his nostrils flaring as I replied. “You tried everything except giving me your attention and love. You tried so hard too.”

I was going to get a smack in the mouth for this, but it was entertaining me for now. I wouldn’t regret it and knew how to take a hit.

“You should’ve sent her to Crestford Academy when you had the chance. They’re good at straightening out any of this behavior,” the woman said smoothly, scrutinizing me while her son gave me a dirty look.

“Mother, you can’t expect me to marry her. She’d embarrass our family name,” he said sharply, dread pooling in my stomach. I’d been waiting for the day he tried to marry me off to get rid of me. “She didn’t even put pants on.”

“She might be challenging for a while,” Dad continued as if bargaining with them would work. “But I think they’d make beautiful children. She’d have no choice but to grow up if they started a family early too.”

I had to stop this before it got out of hand.

“Would you like to test drive my pussy?” I winked at my future husband, my voice husky. “I’ve learned a lot of skills over the years. I’ll blow your fucking mind.”

Dad’s palm smacked down on the table, making everyone except me jump.

“Stop talking nonsense!” He turned to them, his face flushed as he tried to save the situation. “She’s making up lies to get back at me for God knows what. She’s as pure as the day she was born. I’ve made sure of it.”

“You know what the guys in the Heights love? Rich girls with daddy issues,” I said with a sigh, twirling some of my hair around my finger as I leaned back in my chair. “But you’re right about one thing, I did it to get back at you. Got rid of that pesky virginity years ago.”

It was a small lie, I usually snuck out to Stoneleigh since it was the closest option for learning to fight and they had fun parties, but I didn’t want him keeping an eye out for me there.

The Heights was in the other direction so I wanted to throw him off course.

He’d also hate the thought of poor boys touching me way more than anyone else. Hawthorne Heights was full of criminals and drug addicts thanks to it being such a low income area.

Personally, I loved bad boys, and the few I’d slept with had rocked my fucking world.

I might not have had any control over my own life but I’d made sure I got to choose who’d been my first.

I was also harder to marry off now since purity meant everything to the rich pricks of society.

“Go to your room,” Dad bit out, dismissing me.

I snatched a bagel with a wide smirk, shoving a large bite into my mouth.

“Yes, Daddy. Enjoy your breakfast.” I got to my feet and headed back to my room, knowing he’d find me soon to shout at me.

I’d just ruined his only chance of ever getting rid of me.

I waited for an hour before he barged into my room, not hesitating to slap me across the face with a snarl.

“Are you fucking happy, Penelope? Everyone’s going to think you’re a whore and now no one will want you! You’re a selfish bitch!”

My cheek stung and I tasted blood in my mouth, but I gave him a grin, not caring if I had blood in my teeth.

“I’m the product of what you made me. You think I’m an embarrassment in front of your rich friends? Wait until you try to force me to marry someone. I’ll burn the church down in my white dress and fuck the priest on my way out.”

His hand connected with my face again, knocking me back onto the bed.

“I don’t have to marry you off to get rid of you, remember that. I could simply sell you.”

“Sell me then. I can’t wait to spill all the secrets I know from living under the same roof as the Devil,” I chuckled, knowing I had him backed into a corner. “The corruption and fraud would put you all in prison. If I ever get out of here I’ll be sure to tear you down in the process.”

He stormed from the room as he cursed at me, making me laugh.

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