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Drake frowned. “What happened last night? Is that why she’s in here with you?”

“He’s just a dick. He wanted his room back so he threw her in here, not that I’m complaining.”

“Aw, man. I knew I should’ve checked on her when Knox said they were fighting. I assume you kissed it better?” He raised an eyebrow, making me giggle.

“Something like that. It definitely felt good.”

Cruz sighed, knowing Drake wasn’t going to leave us alone.

“Why are you in here waking us up?”

“Oh, we’re going out this morning. I asked Stone if Penn can come too and he said as long as we don’t bring her back. So we’re obviously going to break that rule, but I thought we could take her with us, then to the track later. She’d probably get along really well with Luna.” He seemed excited, but Cruz’s voice was sharp.

“We can’t just take her out in public, dumbass. She’s a missing person right now.”

“She’s an adult. It’s not like they can drag her back,” he argued, and I let out a dry laugh.

“My father’s more likely to avoid eye contact and act like he didn’t see me. You did him a favor. Who’s Luna?”

“She’s Cruz’s bestie. Her dad runs the Reaper’s crew down at the docks in Ashburn Valley. Have you been to the track before? Oh! Do you think we could race?!” Drake was way too excited for this hour of the morning.

I didn’t understand half of what he even said.

Cruz, on the other hand, scowled.

“Of course she hasn’t been to the track before. She was locked in her room, remember? And no, we’re not racing.” His arm tightened around me, and he gently rolled me onto my back. “Do you think it’s safe for you to be out in public? Shit, what if your dad has reported it? We’ll get arrested.”

“Trust me, Dad doesn’t give a fuck about me. Besides, if the cops did know I was missing, why would you get arrested? I’d just tell them I moved out, not that I was kidnapped,” I answered, his eyes firmly on mine. “If you don’t want me to come out though, that’s okay.”

“Would you like to come out for the day?” He seemed nervous, confusion rolling through me.

“What’s wrong?”


“Cruz,” I huffed, making him cringe.

“I know it’s probably stupid, but I don’t want you to run. I know we took you, but—”

I didn’t want to come back, but I didn’t want to leave Cruz and Drake behind. I liked them. I’d been wanting to get out of here from the moment I arrived, but now that I had the opportunity, I hated the thought of not seeing them again.

“I’ll come back with you,” I promised, trying to ignore my tender waist as I snuggled into him. “But Stone—”

“Don’t worry about Stone, I’ll handle him,” Cruz said with a grin, flinging the blankets back and getting to his feet, not hiding his morning wood as he grabbed my shirt off the floor and offered it to me. “Get ready. We’re taking you out for breakfast.”

“Wait, really? Where are we going? I’ve never gone out for breakfast before.”

I yanked it over my head before scrambling after him, but Drake snagged my wrist and pulled me back towards the bed.

He sat on the edge, tugging me to stand between his legs as he lifted the side of my shirt to inspect my bruise.

“Did you ice it?” His fingers lightly brushed my skin, his eyes lifting to mine when I mumbled a no. “Why not?”

“That’s my fault,” Cruz admitted, a sheepish look on his face. “I got distracted.”

Drake sighed, fixing my shirt before moving me back enough for him to stand. “I’m not surprised. I’d be distracted too if I had her in my bed in nothing but her panties.”

“I have a feeling Knox wouldn’t approve of that,” I said dryly, moving to stand beside Cruz. “Do I have time to shower?”

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