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I sighed, dropping my hand to his tense shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Cruz took cases like this to heart, always being a big softie for women in need.

“She’s not your problem to fix. You might have thought you were saving her or something, but you’ve put our entire organization in danger of being exposed. I’m sorry I’m such a prick but I have to be. I refuse to let us sink. My brother’s legacy won’t be ruined because of one damaged rich girl.”

His eyes met mine and a small smile tugged at his lips. “I know why you have to be a dick. It’s why you’re in charge and I’m not.”

“It’s because I’m a year older than you.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. I’m twenty-four not five,” he grunted out. “Are you going to hand the reins over to Drake then since he’s twenty six?”

We’d all be fucked if Drake was in charge. We’d probably spend the whole time stealing dirty panties and hacking people’s devices for nudes.


Cruz’s eyes ran over the screen again and I knew this girl was going to be more trouble than what she was worth. She hadn’t even done anything and Cruz was already a sucker for her.

I didn’t like distractions and it seemed she was going to be a big one.

Knox stalked in, irritation obvious on his face.

“I get to kill her, right?”

“You’re not a murderer, big guy,” Cruz said dryly, and Knox leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

“Time to expand my resume then, isn’t it?”

Cruz rolled his eyes and went back to studying the bitch in my room.

I wanted to know what was so damn interesting about her, but there was more important shit that I had to tend to.

“Let’s get going, we’re wasting daylight. Knox, keep Drake out of my room.”

"I have shit to do today too, you know," Knox muttered.

"Your boyfriend, your problem."

"Shut the fuck up," he scowled as he glanced around to see if anyone else had heard us, but Cruz rolled his eyes and got to his feet.

"You two fuck more than anyone I know and you’re not exactly discreet about it, so you’d be surprised how many people know about you two, you big dummy. Don't hurt Penn."

"Only if she tries to escape," Knox shrugged, starting an argument.

I tolerated their bickering for two seconds before grabbing the back of Cruz’s shirt and hauling him towards the door.

"Let's go before I start throwing hands with the pair of you."

I was going to kill all of them at this rate.


I was insanely bored, and I'd already slept for a few hours to kill time. The clock on the bedside table said it was almost eleven in the morning, and I was freaking starving.

My back straightened where I sat on the bed as the door opened, and I relaxed as Drake appeared.

"You hungry? Cruz texted me and said he promised you pizza for breakfast. What kind do you like?"

"I don't really know. I've only had the Hawaiian one before," I frowned, crossing my legs. "You pick."

"You've never had a pepperoni pizza before? That's illegal," he gasped, pressing a hand to his chest. "I'll get a few different ones for you to try. I'm not supposed to let you out of this room, but I'll sneak you out to eat in the living room with a movie if you promise you won't try and escape. Cruz is going to get his ass beat already over you, so I don't want to be added to Stone’s shit list," he said with a cringe. "My face is too pretty to be pummeled."

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