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Why didn’t they have nicer stuff if they were so good at stealing? And why was he being so freaking nice to me too? He said he didn’t hurt women but why’d he kidnap me if they weren’t going to torture me or something?

I grabbed my bags once I figured I’d given Cruz enough time to go to sleep, and I crept from the room, making my way back through the building. I cursed quietly when I realized I couldn’t get back out through the garage since it was coded, and I had no idea what door would lead me outside.

There were so many damn doors.

I finally found one next to a window that looked out into the early morning sky, my hand going to the handle to open it.

Nothing happened.

Frustration raced through me as I tried again, someone suddenly grabbing me and slamming my back against the door.

Stone’s cold, gray eyes burned into me, his fingers spanning my throat as he squeezed.

It wasn’t enough to stop me from breathing but it got my attention.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

“The guys were right, you’re a grumpy bastard,” I smiled sweetly, his fingers tightening a fraction. “I was going to go for a morning jog. Care to join me?”

“Cruz!” Stone barked, his voice seeming to echo through the building. He dragged me closer just to slam me back again, lowering his voice to speak to me. “You might have Cruz and Drake wrapped around your finger but I see right through your bullshit. You’re nothing but a spoiled brat and I refuse to let you tear down my organization. You’re not getting out of here, you know too much.” I stiffened when he pulled a gun from the back of his pants, pressing it firmly against my forehead. “If your daddy doesn’t give a fuck about you then you’re no use to me. I could just kill you right now and make my job a whole lot easier.”

“Do you expect me to beg?” I swallowed nervously, trying to keep my voice level. “I’ll never die on my knees.”

Cruz stumbled into the room in his boxers, rubbing his tired eyes.

“What are you yelling at me for? I literally just fell asleep.” His gaze landed on me and he was suddenly wide awake. “What the fuck?”

“You said you’d watch her, yet here we are,” Stone snapped without moving back. “Did you honestly believe this rich bitch was your friend? That she’d happily sleep here and just make a new life with us? Stop thinking with your cock and use your brain. You kidnapped her so treat her like a hostage.”

Cruz’s eyes fell to the bags at my feet, guilt eating at me.

I shouldn’t have felt bad but I did. He might have taken me but he was one of the only people in my life to ever show me kindness.

“Put the gun away, asshole,” Cruz muttered, stepping closer. “I’ll handle it.”

“I gave you a fucking chance and you blew it. She can stay in my room with the door locked.”

“What if she needs to pee?” Cruz threw back, making Stone snort.

“Then she’d better speak now because I’m not letting her out until I get back later.”

A hint of panic hit me for the first time since I’d left my house. Cruz and Drake might have been gentle, but that didn’t mean anyone else here was.

Stone was already proving his dislike for me and if I was locked in his room he could literally do anything to me.

I didn’t want to be trapped in a room again, or leaving the prison I’d called home my entire life had been for nothing.

“You’re freaking her out,” Cruz growled as he stepped towards me but Stone spun around to glare at him.

“Good! She’s not here for a fucking slumber party! I can lock her in with Knox if you want?”

That shut Cruz up. Knox seemed like an asshole but Stone was dangerous. I’d almost prefer Knox.

Stone grabbed my bicep, ignoring my bags as he started dragging me through the compound. “Do you need to piss or not?”

“No but please—”

“Shut up!” he spat, my muscles locking up as I tried to stop him. He was strong but I could take him down if I focused.

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