Page 47 of When You're Safe

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Winters voicesoftened, but the question remained probing. “Elizabeth, why didn’t you tell usthis earlier? This is crucial information.”

Elizabethlooked down, tears glistening in her eyes. “I was scared. Scared of how it wouldlook. I didn’t kill Nathaniel, Inspector. I promise you.”

Finn leanedforward, his voice gentle yet firm. “You have to understand, any detail, no matterhow small, can be the key to solving this. We need to know everything.”

Elizabethnodded, taking a moment to collect herself. “I understand. I’ll cooperate fully.”

In the dimlight of the room, Elizabeth’s face reflected a vulnerability that stirredsomething in Finn. It was almost as though he was looking at Demi, his ex, aperson he had loved deeply, but who had betrayed him. That same fleeting mix ofpain, guilt, and defiance was mirrored in Elizabeth’s expression.

“What were youand Nathaniel fighting about?” Finn inquired, his tone gentle but probing.

Elizabethhesitated, avoiding his gaze. “It was nothing… just business.”

But Finn wasn’tconvinced. A sudden realization washed over him, and he blurted out, “Were youmeeting someone tonight? Someone you shouldn’t have been?”

Elizabeth’seyes widened in surprise, but before she could respond, Winters leaned forward,her stern gaze fixed on the woman. “Elizabeth, holding back won’t do you anygood. If we find you’re lying or omitting any details, we’ll have no choice butto bring you in.”

Elizabethfinally seemed to let down her guard. With a heavy sigh, she confessed, “Alright,yes, I’ve been sneaking off to a bar in London. It’s my escape, my way of fleeingthe DeGrey legacy, if only for a few hours. I use a false name there. Nathaniel…he found out. He was livid, saying I was tarnishing our family’s reputation.”

Finn’ssuspicion had been spot on, yet this revelation brought forth more questions. “Whythe charade?” he wondered aloud.

She shrugged, hereyes downcast. “It’s freeing. Being someone else, no expectations, no legacy touphold. Just a woman in a bar, enjoying the company of strangers.”

Winters tookdown notes, her demeanor still businesslike. “What’s the name of this bar?”

“Destiny,”Elizabeth replied.

“We’ll verifyyour alibi,” Winters said crisply. “For now, go get some rest. We’ll get intouch if we need anything more.”

As Elizabethrose to leave, she hesitated at the doorway, casting a long, lingering glanceback at the detectives. “I truly am sorry about Nathaniel,” she whispered,regret evident in her voice. “Regardless of our disagreements, he was family. Ishould’ve treated him better.”

With that, shestepped out, leaving Finn and Winters in the heavy silence of the room.

Winters rubbedher eyes and yawned.

“We should gohome, Winters,” Finn said. “You look tired. And besides, I need my beautysleep.”

“Do you reallythink sleep is going to fix that?” Winters joked. “I think you’d need a coma.”

“Very good,”Finn said, turning to the dying fireplace. “I just don’t think we’re going toget much more done tonight. We should come back fresh at it tomorrow. Maybesomething will crop up in our minds after some rest. We’ve got the DNA test onthe vape to think of, too.”

“And then whatif we still don’t have any more theories about who is behind these killings?”Winters said, somberly.

“Then we’reout of luck, and nearly out of time.” Finn let that last bit slip.

Winters lookedat him strangely. “Out of time?”

Finn sighed.He had kept it from Winters long enough. “Amelia, my court case is coming upnext week. I need to be back home in a couple of days. I feel like I’m lettingyou down, but I have to be there. I have to see if I can somehow fix my life.”

For a moment,Finn saw a look in Winters’s eyes. If he hadn’t known any better, Finn wouldhave said that it was a look of hurt.

“That’s okay,”she said. “I understand.” She stood up. “I’m going to my car. I’ll see you inthe morning. Good night, Finn.”

Finn watchedWinters leave the room. For a moment he wanted to follow her, wanted to tellher that their time together on both cases had meant a great deal to him, that ithad given him purpose when he needed it most.

He wanted totell her that she was the finest detective he’d ever met. And that heconsidered her a friend.

But he didn’tdo any of that. He felt like a coward. He waited until he heard the distantsound of her car driving out of the castle grounds.

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