Page 49 of For Wrath

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"Face it,Pesci," Morgan taunted, her heart racing as she fought to maintain hercomposure. Her mind raced, devising a plan to free herself from her restraintsand save Harriet. "You're hideous. All this time, all these lives you'vedestroyed... and you still look like something crawled out of a sewer."

"Shutup!" John roared, his face contorting in rage. The veins in his neckbulged as his fury grew.

Morgan's palmswere slick with sweat as she discreetly worked on loosening her bonds more,using John's distraction to her advantage. Her fingers ached as they fumbledwith the knot, but she couldn't afford to waste any more time.

"Can'thandle the truth?" she goaded, her pulse pounding in her ears. "Noamount of stolen youth will ever make you beautiful, Pesci. You'll always be amonster."

"Enough!"John bellowed, advancing towards Morgan with murderous intent. His deformedfeatures twisted into a snarl, casting grotesque shadows across the room.

As he loomed overher, Morgan's hand finally slipped free of the rope. Suppressing a triumphantgrin, she flexed her fingers, feeling the blood rush back into them with atingling sensation. She had to time her next move perfectly.

"Goahead," she taunted, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "Do your worst.But just remember – you'll always be ugly on the inside and out."

"Shutup!" he screamed, and then he lunged toward Morgan.

With a surge ofadrenaline, Morgan's hand shot out, and her fingers closed around the coldhandle of the scalpel. In one swift movement, she jabbed it into John's face.

"Argh!"he screamed, stumbling backward as blood spurted from the wound. His hands flewto his face, trying in vain to stem the flow.

Seizing theopportunity, Morgan quickly freed herself from her remaining restraints, herheart hammering in her chest. She had only seconds to act before John regainedhis composure.

"Harriet,"she whispered urgently, "I need you to stay calm, okay? I'm going to getus both out of here."

But even as thewords left her lips, Morgan knew she hadn't been fast enough. John snatched upanother scalpel from the table, his eyes burning with rage as he moved swiftlytowards Harriet.

"Stayback!" he snarled, pressing the sharp edge of the blade against Harriet'sthroat. The young woman whimpered, her eyes wide with terror as she lookedhelplessly at Morgan.

"Please!"Morgan shouted, fear constricting around her heart like a vice. "Don'thurt her!"

"Give me onegood reason why I shouldn't," John spat, his voice thick with venom."She doesn't mean anything to me. But you – you're something special,Morgan."

"Then lether go, and take me instead!" Morgan implored, struggling to keep hervoice steady despite the panic rising within her. "She has nothing to dowith this! It's always been about you and me, right?"

John regarded herfor a long moment, his gaze flickering between Morgan's desperate eyes and thetrembling form of Harriet. Finally, he gave a low, humorless chuckle.

"Nice try,Agent Cross," he sneered. "But you've already proven that you're notas smart as I thought you were. You think I'd let her go just because you asknicely?"

"John, please,"Morgan whispered, her stomach churning with dread. "She's innocent."

"Are any ofus truly innocent?" he mused, the scalpel pressing tighter againstHarriet's throat, drawing a thin line of blood. "No matter. I'll deal withyou later, Morgan."

Inwardly cursingher failure, Morgan's mind raced, searching for a way to save Harriet withoutputting them both in even more danger. She had come so far, but now she was outof time and options. Her best bet was to play with his twisted mind.

"Fight meinstead, John," Morgan challenged, her voice firm and unwavering."Leave Harriet out of this. John, if you kill Harriet like this, you'lldestroy her essence. What good will that do for you? Face me instead."

John hesitated,his grip on the scalpel tightening. The crazed look in his eyes flickeredmomentarily as if he was considering Morgan's proposition.

"Alright,"he finally agreed with a sinister grin. "Let's see just how good youreally are, Agent Cross."

As he slowlybacked away from Harriet, Morgan's gaze swept the room, searching for anyadvantage she could use against him. That's when she noticed the unusual décor– all the mirrors and shiny surfaces in the room were covered in white sheets.A realization struck her like lightning: John hated his own reflection.

Her eyes dartedaround until they landed on a small hand mirror lying face-down on the floor.An idea began to form in her mind, but she needed to play it cool.

"Fine, let'sdo this," Morgan said, her heart pounding with both fear and determination.She stepped away from the table, keeping her movements slow and calculated. Asshe moved closer to the discarded mirror, she silently prayed that her planwould work.

"Are youready?" John taunted, brandishing the scalpel menacingly. "Or is thegreat Morgan Cross too afraid to face me?"

"Bring iton," Morgan replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging insideher. She had faced countless horrors in her time, and she wasn't about to letthis monster win. Not today.

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