Page 41 of For Wrath

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"Exactly,"Morgan replied, her mind racing with determination as she processed this newinformation. "We need to act fast – John won't rest until he's found Markand his wife. We've got to find him before he can strike again. I know how wecan catch John."

"Really?"He raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What's your plan?"

"We stakeout the old clinic," Morgan explained, gesturing towards a map of the cityon the wall. "He's bound to return for supplies again, but he won't expectme there."

"Goodidea," Derik nodded, "but it sounds dangerous. I'm coming withyou."

Morgan frowned,clenching her jaw. Her heart raced as she weighed the risks and the potentialconsequences. "No, Derik, this is my case now. You'll only slow medown."

"Slow youdown? Morgan, I'm fine. I'm not sick anymore." Derik's voice grew stern,his eyes filled with concern. "You don't have to do this alone."

"Maybe Ido," she muttered, her gaze drifting back to the window. "And you arestill sick. I can see it all over you. Not to mention hungover."

Derik bristled ather words, his hands clenching into fists. "Damn it, Morgan, you can't doeverything on your own. We're partners, remember?"

Morgan sighed,her resolve weakening at the desperation in his voice. She knew he was right,but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was holding him back. "Iknow that, Derik. But this is different. John is dangerous, and I don't want torisk anyone else's life."

Derik steppedcloser to her, his eyes boring into hers. "And I don't want to risk losingyou, Morgan. You're not invincible."

Morgan felt ajolt of emotion at his words, a warmth spreading through her chest. Sheimmediately wiped it away, reminding herself that she had no idea if she couldtrust him anymore or if she ever could.

"I've got aplan," Morgan said. "Just hear me out."

Derik nodded,turning his attention to Mark. "Let me just finish the paperwork to getMark and his wife in witness protection."


Morgan staredintently at the map spread out on the table, her finger tracing the route theywould take to the old clinic. The tension in the room was palpable, and shecould feel it tightening around her chest like a vice. Her heart raced asadrenaline coursed through her veins, sharpening her senses. She knew this washer shot at redemption, but the fear of failure gnawed at her insides.

"Are yousure about this?" Derik asked softly, concern etched on his face."It's a dangerous plan."

"Would youstop second-guessing me?" Morgan snapped, her patience wearing thin."We've been over this a thousand times already. It's our only option."

"Alright,"Derik relented, holding up his hands defensively. "I just... I don't wantanything to happen to you."

"Nothingwill," she insisted, forcing confidence into her voice. But deep down, sheknew that going after John alone was risky – and that risk weighed heavily onher mind.

In the chargedsilence that followed, Morgan could feel Derik's eyes on her, the intensity ofhis gaze almost tangible. There was something unspoken between them, anunresolved tension that hovered in the air like static electricity. Andsuddenly, with a fierceness that took them both by surprise, Derik closed thedistance between them and pressed his lips against hers.

Her initial shockgave way to an unexpected wave of relief as her defenses crumbled. She had beenlonely for so long – the isolation of prison and the stigma of her past stillhaunting her – and the warmth of Derik's embrace was a balm to her batteredsoul. Their kiss spoke volumes, a promise of understanding, of shared burdensand unbreakable bonds.

But as their lipsparted, reality came crashing down on her.

It was like herbody still wanted to trust Derik, but her mind knew better.

She pushed himaway.

"Derik, wecan't," she whispered, her voice hoarse with emotion. "Just...stop."

"Iknow," he breathed, his eyes searching hers. "I'm sorry. I just... Ineeded you to know how much I care about you."

"Stop,"she said again. "Just stop it."

"Let me comeon the stakeout," Derik said. "Let me be your partner."

Morgan hesitated,her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She knew that bringingDerik along would be risky, but she couldn't deny the comfort of having him byher side. She wanted to trust him again, to believe that he had truly changedand was committed to their partnership. But the memory of his betrayal lingeredlike a poison in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was stillholding something back.

"Fine,"she said, at last, her voice tight with reluctance. "But you have tofollow my lead, no questions asked. And if anything goes wrong, you back me upand get out of there."

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