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She unstrapped her heels and lobbed them over the fence, laughing as Havel ducked out of the way of a deadly Louboutin missile. She climbed on top of a car next to the fence and reached up as high as she could.

She was strong, but still, it wasn’t easy to drag her body weight up the chain-link fence.

“Leeza.” Havel’s growl caught her attention. “Watch the razor wire.”

She shrugged out of her leather jacket and used it to cover the razor wire at the top of the fence, then climbed over, curling her toes into the chain-link as she clung to the fence.

“Jump,” Havel said from below her, holding his arms out to catch her.

Closing her eyes and breathing in, she let go of the fence.

Havel caught her easily, but her arm smacked him in the side of the head. “Ouch.”

“Sorry,” she giggled.

“Why’d you fling your arms out?”

“Because I feel good.” She pushed at his chest until he set her on her feet. “Really great, in fact.”

“You’re still drunk,” he accused.

She shook her head. “No… just… content.”

His eyes warmed as he took her hand and led her back to his car. He opened the door for her and leaned in to buckle her seatbelt, turning his head to kiss her before striding around to the other side.

As they pulled away from the impound lot, Leeza asked, “Is everyone upset with me for disappearing?”

“Worried mostly until we got hold of the CCTV footage of you stumbling into the back of that SUV.” Havel’s voice hardened as he added, “I have the owner locked in an office at Guard Dog. Turns out he just bought the vehicle and wanted to show it off.”

“Havel, it’s not the owner’s fault I chose his car to sleep off my tequila hangover!”

“Idiot parked in a no parking zone and got you in trouble. I don’t care if it was inadvertent, his actions could’ve gotten you hurt.”

“Havel Tsotsarov. You will release that man with a hefty cash payment as soon as we’re back.”

“Yes dear.”

They both laughed.

“Oh, pull over here!” Leeza pointed at a fast-food restaurant and Havel pulled the vehicle over.

Before entering, Havel covered her skimpy club dress with his giant leather coat, zipping it up to her chin.

She eagerly ordered three breakfast sandwiches, two hashbrowns, a box of cinnamon bites, and a coffee – enough food to soothe a hangover of epic proportions – then stood aside as Havel paid, then carried her tray to a table

She slapped his hand when he reached for one of her breakfast sandwiches.

“You can’t eat all that,” he protested.

“Watch me,” she said around a mouthful of food. She devoured two of the sandwiches, both hashbrowns and the entire box of cinnamon bites before shoving the tray at him. “Now you can take my leftovers.”

He ate most of the sandwich in one bite, growling at her, “See if I make blueberry pancakes for you again, ungrateful woman.”

“You could’ve ordered your own food.”

“Thought you were ordering for both of us.”

Their banter felt natural. It felt domestic. It felt right.

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