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“You’ve sold me.” Leeza smiled, hoping she didn’t sound as weak as she felt. She was having trouble acting normal while her brain was being invaded by images of dead women and the knowledge that her ex-husband was still out there.

She shuddered and Havel held her closer as Shaun and Fatima left.

“Let’s get Kris fed and ready for bed,” he said, squeezing her shoulder. “Then we can take care of you.”

Havel made a quick pasta dish that Kris wolfed down, then helped him brush his teeth and pick up his toys.

Leeza was surprised that Kris was allowing Havel to provide care since it was outside of the routine he’d established with her, but she supposed having known Havel his entire life made it easier to accept the giant bodyguard as a caregiver.

Refusing her help, Havel pushed Leeza gently into a chair at the table and set a plate of pasta and a glass of wine in front of her before leaving to tuck Kris into bed with a book. She smiled as she ate, listening to Havel read Kris’s favourite children’s book about a mouse with autism who hated leaving its tiny home.

Once the book was finished, Leeza heard the click of Kris’s nightlight being turned on and a few seconds later Havel stepped out of the room, softly closing the door. Making his way to Leeza, he wrapped a warm hand around the back of her neck and leaned down to place a lingering kiss against her lips. “Now it’s your turn.”

Havel scooped her up in his arms, his eyes daring her to argue.

Not this time, she thought, wrapping her arms around his neck and tucking her head under his chin as he carried her.

He kicked the bedroom door shut and carried her through to the washroom. He set her on the heated tiles and turned on the tap for the bathtub, testing the temperature.

She stood silent as he methodically removed her clothing. Heat suffused her face as she lifted her feet one at a time so he could remove her jeans and panties.

It wasn’t until he started stripping that she asked, “What’s happening here?”

“We’re taking a bath. It’ll help you relax and recover from a shit day.”

“I understand that part, but how do you propose to fit us both in the tub.” It was a soaker tub, so not small, but there was no way it would fit both her and a man with the physique of a professional bodybuilder.

“We’ll find out when we get there.”

She yelped as he picked her up, stepped over the side of the tub and sat with her on top of him. Her surprise turned to laughter as water sloshed over the sides while he frantically groped at the tap to stop the flow of water.

She twisted her neck so she could look at him. “Didn’t work how you imagined it?”

“Why the fuck do people think this is romantic?”

She grinned at him. “Because you can do this.” She turned on his lap until she was facing him, fully sprawled on his chest. She widened her legs until she was straddling him. Wrapping her wet arms around his neck, she whispered against his lips, “You get it now?”

He gripped her waist, grinding her against his fully erect cock.

“Sweetheart, you’re playing with fire. I’d intended to help you wash up and then hold you until you fell asleep, but you’re waking up things that should stay dormant for now.”

She kissed him hard like he had done so many times to times to her.

His arm banded around her waist and the crown of his cock pressed against her entrance.

She squirmed on top of him as pleasure raced through her body. This was what she needed. Havel. His passion. She needed to feel, to forget that Adam existed if even for a short time.

“Last chance.” Havel’s voice was deep with strain, his face intense as he forced her to look at him. “Tell me no.”

Last chance.

She tried to summon a shred of fear or denial, but nothing came. “Yes,” she whispered.


The second the word ‘yes’ was out of Leeza’s mouth, he scooped her up in his arms and stood. Oblivious of the water streaming off them, he stepped out of the tub and strode into the bedroom.

“No, don’t you dare!” She was too late though. He was already falling onto the bed with her, soaking the bedding as they landed. “Havel!”

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