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She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes to get as close to him as she possibly could. In a husky voice, she said, “You listen to me, Havel Tsotsarov. My whole life you’ve been protecting me, even after my family blew up. You’re the one who sent my bodyguard a message the night of Jozef’s takeover.”

He looked like he was about to deny it.

“No, don’t give me that look, I know it was you. I also know you were the one who convinced my cousin to let me live when I became collateral damage. I will never forget that. You love me and my son and protect us with everything you have. For that, you will forever have my gratitude.”

“I don’t want your gratitude,” he said stiffly.

She gave him a crooked smile. “Well you have it.”

“Is that why you haven’t tried to leave me? Gratitude?”

“Of course not. You have me constantly surrounded by bodyguards, where am I supposed to go? Besides, would you let me leave if gratitude was all there was between us?”

“Not a fucking chance.”

“Good,” she whispered, pulling his head down for a kiss.

It was a desperate kiss. A reaffirmation that they were both alive and together.

The elevator door opened and Ayaan cleared her throat before stepping off.

Havel broke the kiss, took Leeza’s hand and led her through the offices, ignoring greetings from the staff.

“I saw what happened on the security feed.” A tall, serious-looking man approached them, his brow wrinkled. “I’m working on tracking the company that delivered the package. Is there anything else we can do?” The man shifted his gaze to Leeza and stuck his hand out. “Ma’am, I’m Ali, the office tech guy.”

Havel knocked Ali’s hand out of the way before Leeza could reach for it, but his tone was pleasant enough as he said, “You do a lot more than tech stuff, man. And yes, you can pull everything we have on Adam Horácek and bring it to the conference room.”

“Two minutes, Boss.”

Havel ushered Leeza into the glass-walled conference room, closing the blinds to the rest of the office.

She sat down, grateful to rest her shaking legs. After everything she’d gone through, particularly in the last year, she would have thought she’d be better at pulling her shit together in stressful situations, but she seemed to be getting worse at it.

Ayaan walked into the office, a glass of orange juice in hand. She placed it in front of Leeza. “Doctor’s orders.”

Despite her anxiety, Leeza smiled at the offering. “Thanks, though I would’ve preferred something stronger.”

“Oh, I got you, babe.” Ayaan spoke in a voice so low only Leeza could hear. She winked and turned away to take her post at the door.

Leeza lifted the drink to her lips and sighed as the taste of vodka hit her tongue. “Oh god, yes.” She savoured the warmth spreading from her throat to her belly as she downed half the glass.

Ali entered the room and handed Havel a thick file who took it. Turning to Ayaan, he said, “I need the room.”

“No sir,” she said, drawing a raised brow from her boss. “You said to keep eyes on my principal at all times. Can’t do that if I’m standing outside.”

Havel glared at her. “You can assume if your principal is with me, you can take your eyes off her. Now get out.” He opened the door.

She reluctantly left, but aimed a parting shot at Leeza, “If you need me, just call. I’ll have my ear pressed to the door.”

Leeza offered a small smile acknowledging Ayaan's dedication. She was still shaken by her awful discovery, but at the same time, found herself comforted by the presence of Havel and his staff.

Havel closed the door and then snapped the blinds shut, blocking Ayaan’s intense gaze as she stared at them from the other side of the glass.

“She’s really dedicated to her job,” Leeza said.

Havel dismissed the comment. “She’s dedicated to what she wants to be dedicated to, which was your sister for a while and now seems to be you. If I had to guess, Saskia asked her to keep an eye on you.”

Leeza nodded, not surprised Ayaan and Saskia were friends. Both women were spunky and independent. Leeza wished she could be more like them, but she’d had rules and etiquette hammered into her from a young age. She wasn’t capable of outright disobedience unless it was something that negatively impacted her son.

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