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He plunged the needle into her flesh and seconds later the world slipped away.


Leeza was having her favourite dream. She was in a change room trying on a new dress when the zipper got stuck. No matter which way she twisted she couldn’t get it to zip. She was about to give up and yank the dress off when she felt someone behind her.

She gasped and tried to whirl around but a large hand landed on her bare shoulder holding her in place as he used his other hand to tug the zipper up her back. A cascade of shivers followed the touch of his calloused finger as it travelled from the small of her back to the base of her neck.

Her eyes met his in the mirror and she saw a look of utter longing cross his rugged features.


Her dark gaze traced the tattoos covering his neck and arms. She knew that those tattoos extended across his torso, back and down his legs. As far as she knew he was tattooed all over.

She licked her lips and his eyes followed the movement in the mirror, his gaze one of blazing desire.

Her heart thumped and her palms grew damp.

He lifted his hand, allowing it to hover over her head before dropping it gently to touch her hair. With a groan, he sifted his fingers through the shiny tresses, leaning in to inhale her fragrance.

Leeza felt dizzy with anticipation as butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Her breath caught when he closed his fingers around the tips of her hair, tugging gently.

Then he dropped his hand away. “I can’t.”

She turned to look up at him. His hulking form barely fit in the change room, his broad shoulders touching the walls and his shaved head nearly scraping the ceiling. Havel was always the largest man in the room, no matter who he was with.

“I know,” she agreed, but she didn’t try to step around him or leave. She couldn’t. It was like there was an entity inside her, telling her she had to stay and see where this was going.

“Fuck it,” he said, reaching for her.

“What are you doing?” she gasped.

He lowered his head and took her lips. He knew she was inexperienced and was determined to make her first time special. His lips, warm and dry, clung to hers without demanding further access. The gentle pressure of the kiss sent skitters of pleasure through her, which intensified when he moved his mouth like he was whispering all their unsaid feelings.

He slid his hand along her waist, touching the small of her back, then moving his hand up her spine to tangle his fingers in the tips of her long hair.

Leeza's nipples lit up and begged for attention - a sensual pleasure she'd not known was possible. She pushed herself up on her toes, pressing her mouth harder against his, taking more of the incredible pleasure he was gifting her.

She got lost in the kiss until she became aware that he was no longer kissing her. It was she who was clinging to him like a vine, her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips moving against his.

With a gasp, she separated herself from him, her fingers coming up to touch her mouth. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

He offered her a soft frown. “Never be sorry for taking something you want from this world, lásko. If you don’t, then it’ll take everything from you.”

The regret in his voice made Leeza's heart ache and she wondered about his past. He was friends with her cousin. Maybe she’d ask Jozef. Then again… maybe not. Jozef was her father’s second-in-command. If he told Krystoff about her interest in Havel, it could put the big bodyguard at risk.

Her excitement dimmed as she remembered her complicated family. “This can’t happen again.”

He nodded, but instead of telling her she was right, he tenderly held her chin and tipped her face up, looking at her, memorizing her. “You have to take what you want in this world.”

Did he mean himself? That she should take him if she wanted?

Then he was gone like he’d never been there. Only he had been, and the evidence was in her hammering heart, her sweaty palms and the knowledge that everything had changed for her and there would be no going back.


Leeza wavered between memories and reality. Her son was calling her... but her first kiss with Havel happened years before he was born.

“Momma, wake up.”

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