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Ignoring her protest, he lowered his head to hers and captured her mouth in a kiss. This time she was expecting it. This time she did what she should’ve done earlier when he kissed her. She clamped her teeth down, biting his lip. It wasn’t a warning bite, but a full-on, teeth meeting together through flesh, chomp.

Havel didn’t flinch, didn’t make a sound, just gripped her jaw and dug his fingers into her cheeks until she was forced to release him. She cried out as he continued to hold her mouth open. Dragging her face to his, he licked her, his tongue rasping down her cheek.

She punched out at him and jerked her body before attempting to knee him, but that made him grip her harder.

He let go of her jaw but moved his hand to the back of her neck, squeezing it as he pulled her against his chest and rested his mouth over her ear. “You want to play games with me, lásko? I’ve been waiting years to get my hands on you. You gave to him what was meant for me, now I’ll take back what’s mine.”

Leeza snarled and slammed her knee into him, striking true this time. As Havel groaned, his hands going to his crotch, Leeza seized on the opportunity to twist out from under him.

She was free! Now all she had to do was get out the door.

She made it all of two steps before Havel grabbed her arm and swung her around, lifting his hand, as though to hit her.

Leeza lifted her chin and glared at him, daring him to do it. If this was the game he wanted to play, she was more than up for it. She’d had plenty of training with Adam, from her wedding night until the day she left. Like Adam before him, Havel could do what he wanted with her body. It made no difference to her. She couldn't escape physically, but she had learned to hide in her mind. It had saved her life because otherwise, Adam's abuse would have sent her over the edge years ago.

Havel appeared conflicted. He’d expected her to flinch, to try to protect herself. Instead, she challenged him with her eyes, almost urging him to strike her.

The tension between them evaporated as a piercing scream split the air.

Havel reacted swiftly, flinging Leeza behind him as he snatched his gun off the nightstand, pointing it at the door.

She touched his bicep, drawing his attention. “Kris is having a nightmare.”

The tension slowly leaked out of his body as he lowered the gun. He flipped the safety on the gun and waved her toward the door. “Go.”

Leeza ran for Kris’s room. “Kris! Baby! I’m coming!”

As soon as he saw his mother, he wailed, “Momma!”

He was shaking and tears streaked his cheeks.

Her heart squeezed in response. She turned on the lamp and sat on the bed next to him, lifting her hands so he could clearly see them before signing, do you want a hug, baby?

He nodded and she reached for him, pressing him against her chest and rocking him, sharing her warmth as she murmured soothing words in his ear. "You're safe, sweetheart. I'll never leave you." She felt him relax against her. "In the morning, we'll make your favourite breakfast." She gently ran a finger down his cheek. "Blueberry pancakes with jam." She tugged his chin up so she could meet his eyes. "Would you like that?"

He whimpered, then nodded, his big, brown eyes solemn and trusting.

When she glanced up, Havel was standing in the doorway, half-dressed in jeans, unbuttoned and unzipped. She dropped her eyes as heat swept through her and, when she looked up, he was gone.

Kris took time to settle down, so Leeza turned off the light and crawled into bed with him. Despite needing her own reassuring hug, she let him decide if he wanted her touch. The upheaval in his life had him reaching out more, but she still respected his need for space. When he didn’t resist, she held him close to her heart and told him a story about a young prince who was destined for great things but who first had to face all kinds of obstacles, like a dragon, and a giant toad that told riddles. By the time she finished, he was asleep in her arms and she was yawning. She moved him to the side, then drew the covers over both of them. She snuggled against Kris, smoothing his hair back and pressing her nose to his cheek and inhaling. He had that child-like smell of sweetness and sunshine she adored. It was rare that she got to touch him this much, so she enjoyed the moment while he was unaware of anything except his hopefully happy dreams.

A few minutes later, her eyes drifted shut.

Bright sunshine filled the bedroom as Leeza slowly woke to the scent of pancakes and maple syrup. She cracked an eyelid and discovered Kris was no longer with her. She sat up quickly, her heart hammering.

Tossing the covers back, she leapt to her feet. In her race to the door, she stepped on a stray Lego piece. “Fuck!” she whisper-shouted in case Kris was within hearing distance. “Kris, where are you?” She raised her voice as she ran into the hall.

It wasn’t Kris who answered, but Havel, his deep voice telling her they were in the kitchen.

A cozy scene greeted her when she stepped into the kitchen. Kris was seated at the island with a plate of pancakes in front of him. Havel stood at the stove, his back to her.

Leeza pulled a deep breath into her lungs as her eyes lingered on Havel. He was wearing a pair of low-riding jeans and no shirt with Leeza’s pink and white ruffled apron tied around his waist. A wealth of tattoos covered his skin. So many more than he had eight years ago, when they were young and in love.

She smothered a laugh at the frilly apron.

“Are you enjoying your breakfast, baby?” she asked, dropping a kiss onto Kris’s forehead.

He nodded as he continued to shovel food into his mouth.

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