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Together, Havel and Leeza put Kris to bed. After tucking the blankets around him and turning on his nightlight, they left the room.

“Want something to eat?” Havel asked.

“I only want a glass of wine, a shower and my bed.”

“No wine for you, but we can arrange the other two.”

“The only downside to another pregnancy,” Leeza murmured, leaning her head against Havel’s shoulder as they made their way into the bedroom. “I would commit murder for some booze right now.” She paused as she remembered. “Actually, I did commit murder.” She searched herself for some remorse over the killing but couldn’t find any. She was glad she was the one to rid the world of a conscienceless serial killer.

Havel turned her in his arms and looked down at her, his face creased with concern. “You actually want this pregnancy? It’s not too soon?”

She wound her arms around his neck and dragged his head down to hers. “I want this baby more than anything. It’s a piece of you and me. A brother or sister for Kris. I’m overjoyed.”

“Me too,” Havel admitted, his expression relieved, though worry still lingered behind his gaze.

“You’re terrified for me, aren’t you?”

“Fuck, yeah.” He dropped to his knees in front of her, pressing his face to her stomach. “If we could have this baby without you carrying it, I would be a happy man. But since you have to, I’ll do whatever I can to support you.”

She tilted his face up, her gaze caressing his beloved features. “No one can hurt us again. We’re going to have this baby and we’re going to be a happy, healthy family.”

Havel stood and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re right.” He helped her shower, gliding the soap over her while she held her bandaged arm out of the spray, then drying her off and carrying her to bed.

Sleepily, she watched Havel open the door a crack in case Kris needed them in the night. Then he crawled under the covers, pulling Leeza to him.

It took a long time for her to settle, flashes of Adam stealing her calm more than once as she drifted in and out of a restless sleep. But each time it happened, she would conjure up the memory of his body jerking as she shot him, his face as the life left him.

Leeza had never been particularly bloodthirsty, but she would savor that memory of Adam’s death. Finally, she settled against her husband, Havel’s reassuring snores anchoring her as she drifted into a dreamless sleep.


“Did you think death would save you from me?”

Adam’s eyes flicked open, slowly focusing on Havel. He was strapped to a medical bed by his wrists and ankles. His jaw had been wired shut after Havel had shattered it. An intravenous drip went from his arm to a bag filled with saline, antibiotics and sedatives.

Havel slid Adam’s glasses onto his face. “I want you to see what’s coming.”

Adam tried to lift his arm, rattling the cuff strapping him down, but he was too weak to do more than wiggle.

Adam had survived being shot six times. Though Leeza was a damn good shot, emotion had guided her hand when she’d grabbed the gun and she hadn’t hit anything vital. Adam had undergone four surgeries in a week to remove bullet fragments and to stitch up the internal damage. Once Havel was certain Adam would live, he’d arranged to have him moved from the hospital into his care.

Havel was pleased with the outcome. Leeza got her revenge and Havel got the man who’d tortured his love.

It had taken some doing getting Adam checked in and out of the hospital without police intervention. Jozef had helped with that, pulling in favours with the hospital director after making a sizeable donation. Only Havel, Jozef, Cooper and a few medical staff knew Adam was still alive.

Havel made sure Adam’s eyes were open and focused on him before speaking. “You took eight years from the woman I love. Eight years of pain and humiliation inflicted by you. Eight years of your torture. It’s my turn now. I don’t know if I can keep you alive for that long, but I’m sure gonna try.”

Adam’s eyes flared wide.

Havel picked up a scalpel from the tray next to Adam’s bed and held it up for the other man to see. Adam’s gaze flicked past Havel as though searching for escape. There was none. The dungeon was sealed tight. No one in and no one out unless Havel said.

In a move Havel liked to call sweet payback, he’d taken Adam back to the place where he’d tortured and murdered his victims. Where he’d nearly killed Leeza. The building was deserted so Havel could play with Adam at his leisure.

“I’ve been told you have hemophilia. I have to admit, I’d never heard of it before you.” His lips stretched into a grin. He wanted Adam to see the bloodthirst that resided inside him, that pushed him to maim and murder.

At his core, he wasn’t so different from Adam. Obsessive and psychopathic with a lethal disregard for human life.

If things had been different, Havel might have utilized Adam’s talents, but Adam had taken what belonged to Havel. If it had truly been the lady’s choice, if she’d been happy with Adam, then Havel might have been able to let her go. But Adam had hurt her and now Havel was going to hurt Adam.

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