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Vivienne was practically bouncing in her seat. “What’s the news on the Liam front?”

“Just a sec,” I told her as I located her contact in my phone. “I need to send him your number so he can call you later about the ride.”

“Super cool. I can’t wait.”

I sent the contact and pushed away my plate. My appetite had disappeared.

“Amy, what’s wrong?”

I leaned forward. I didn’t want to announce this to the whole restaurant. “He wants me to move in with him,” I whispered.

Vivienne’s eyes lit up. “Hot shit. Now that’s my sister. I knew you could turn it around if you tried.”

What am I doing?

* * *


I pulledup in front of Amy’s apartment building ten minutes early. Locking the car, I trotted inside and up the stairs. It seemed dingy, even in today’s bright sunshine. A stain on the wall up the stairs looked like a tenant had upchucked on the way home some night not too long ago. The carpeting in the hallway should have been replaced years ago.

I knocked on her door and waited.

“Just a moment” came from inside.

The door opened, and Amy stood in front of me, as beautiful as ever, with a smile that melted me.

Her presence instantly lifted my spirits. “You smile at me and really ease my pain,” I told her.

She cocked her head. “What? How ‘bout we use English from now on?” She moved forward and embraced me.

I pulled her into a tight hug. “Just saying I’m glad to see you and your smiling face, Sunshine.” I rubbed her back. “Ready to go?”

She released me. “No.” She turned around, walked to her couch, and sat down.

I closed the door behind me, unsure what had changed since we talked. “Sunshine?”

“Don’tSunshineme. And you can’t just tell me what to do like that.”

I approached the couch and settled in next to her. She didn’t complain when I took her hand. “Let’s start again. Clearly I’ve upset you, and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

“You call me up out of the blue and tell me you want me to move in with you, and last night, you didn’t even kiss me. You can’t just…” She started to sob.

I pulled her into me, her head on my chest. My cock started to stir with her soft warmth up against me again. Even with the fabric separating us, I recalled how she’d felt in my arms, how she’d made me feel, made me soar.

I forced the memories aside, rubbed her back, and stroked her hair. I’d screwed this up royally. I should have taken the time to explain things to her. I’d thought I would do that tonight, but clearly it had been a fucked-up plan. I didn’t have any experience with this.

“I should have explained,” I told her.

I was at a loss for words after that. I’d never dealt with women’s emotions much in the past. I’d gone from a college relationship with Roberta, where we’d grown up together and never had to go through the growing pains of meeting and learning about each other, to no relationship after she left, to coming out and marrying her. We’d picked up where we’d left off until one day she was gone, and with her my world.

Amy looked at me expectantly before burying her head against my chest again.

I’d bedded dozens, well, dozens of dozens of women, but only ever had one relationship in my life. I had virtually no experience dealing with women’s emotions.

“I’m not just a blowup doll you can use and discard and then pick up again,” she mumbled into my shirt.

I pulled her chin up to look into her eyes——wet, hurt eyes. “Sunshine, I know I’ve behaved badly. Can you forgive me and let me make it up to you?”

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