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“Pretty sure it’s the real thing,” I told her. “Liam gave it to me, and also these earrings. You like 'em?”

I knew perfectly well if it came from Cartier it wasn't costume jewelry.

Her eyes widened. “Love them. They look great on you, matching your eyes and all.”

That was exactly what Liam had said.

“You know, you're wearing about two years of salary around your neck.”

I wasn’t an expert in jewelry, but she had to be about right. The earrings were at least three carats each, and the necklace stone was a monster. Wearing these was akin to dressing up as a fairy princess when I was young, and it made me just as happy tonight.

I pulled my tall heels out of the closet. I didn’t plan to put them on until the last moment, as they were beauty and pain all in one package. I had chosen a nice black cocktail dress for this evening——not too short, but still sexy. And Vivienne’s comment Tuesday night had sent me out looking for a nice red lace bra for this evening. I decided it was what Liam’s girlfriend would wear, even if it wouldn’t be visible. I intended to play tonight’s part to perfection.

By the time the doorbell rang, I was ready. Liam was right on time, and it was my cue to slip into the heels.

Vivienne rushed to beat me to the door. “I’ll get it.”

She opened the door slowly, and there stood Liam.

Liam offered his hand, the other holding flowers. “It’s nice to see you again. Viv, is it?”

Vivienne shook his hand and held on like she wasn't ever going to let him go. “Vivienne. It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Quigley.”

“Call me Liam, please.” He finally extracted his hand from her grasp. “Vivienne, that's such a lovely name. It meanslively, I believe. And I must say, you're even more beautiful than I remember from our last brief meeting.”

He was laying it on pretty thick, but it was cute.

Vivienne blushed fire engine red, falling under his happiness spell just as I had. “Lively, yeah, that's me.”

“May I come in?” he asked.

In her schoolgirl-like trance, she had blocked the door. “Oops, sure thing,” she said, moving out of the way.

Liam reached me in a few quick strides and pulled me to him for a not-so-quick one-armed hug and kiss. It took my breath away, once again, and ended before I was ready to let him go. But in front of Vivienne, short was better than long, or I would never hear the end of it.

He was dressed in a charcoal gray, pinstriped suit with a pale blue shirt open at the collar, no tie. He looked even better than last night. But maybe it was the lack of alcohol playing tricks on me. Or it could have been the daylight and the way it played on his hair as he walked in. Whatever it was, he looked delectable, and his smile topped it all off perfectly.

He stood back and devoured every inch of me. “Sunshine, I must say you look stunning this evening.” His eyebrows raised ever so slightly as his gaze paused at my chest. “And I love the shoes.”

I had decided on the same red heels I’d worn to bed Tuesday night, hoping he’d like the gesture.

The lion was back, and I couldn’t control the heat he ignited in me. It rose quickly from my chest to my face. I froze for an instant, uncharacteristically at a loss for words.

“Cut that out, and you look quite…” I didn’t have the right word in my vocabulary for the way he struck me.Goodwas too mild, andhandsomewas too mundane. “…suave yourself,” I added.Suaveandsophisticatedwere the perfect descriptors, I decided.

At first it had appeared he was carrying a large bunch of roses, but it turned out to be two separate bouquets.

He handed me one. “Lovely flowers for a lovely lady.”

I accepted them and sniffed. The aroma was divine. “You didn’t need to.”

“Nonsense. And this other set…” He turned to Vivienne. “…was to be for your office, so you could be reminded of me all day long. But tonight these go to your lovely sister.” He handed the second batch to a giddy Vivienne.

“They’re beautiful,” she gushed.

“I’ll have another arrangement delivered to your office Monday morning,” he told me.

“You don’t need to do that,” I protested.

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