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“No, he was hung all right. Like a horse——no change that, more like an elephant.”

Vivienne laughed. “So too big. I hear that can be painful.”

“Big, but nottoobig. I can tell you any girl who says size doesn't matter hasn't had the right size yet.”

Vivienne laughed. “Speedy Gonzales then?”

I shook my head. “He took his time. Boy, did he take his time.”

“I'm sorry, Amy,” Vivienne said. “If he couldn’t make you come, don’t worry. There are plenty of men out there that can do it right. Now that you’ve gotten past this mental hurdle of yours, you can go find the right guy, a guy who will treat you right.”

I smiled, remembering how he’d made me come with just his finger and then with his tongue before I'd even seen him naked.

“I know that smile,” Vivienne said. “You're holding something back on your little sister. So hedidmake you come?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, crossing my legs.

“You're still holding back. Okay, how many times?”

“Lots.” I couldn't remember the exact number, but it had been plenty.

Vivienne's jaw dropped. “I don't frigging believe it. How can you call that a failure? Give me his number. I’ll take a ride on that train any day.”

I rolled my eyes.

“So, he spends his time, he gets his rocks off, and you get satisfied. Where's the problem?”

I took a deep breath. “He came to my office today.”

Vivienne gasped. “Amy, you’re not supposed to tell him where you work, and you’re damn well not supposed to invite him there.”

“I know that.” I took a sip of my wine. “I didn't tell him where I worked. He just showed up. It turns out he works for, scratch that, herunsQuigley-Fulton. We've been talking to them about investing in the company, and he came over today for the meeting. I swear I had no idea.”

“That must've been awkward.”

Awkward didn't begin to describe it. “I almost passed out when I saw him.”

She raised her glass. “Maybe it will work to your advantage.”

“What? Like I offer to blow him and get a better deal? No way. It doesn’t matter anyway. They don’t want to invest; they were only interested in buying the whole company, and that’s not on the menu.”

I should have chosen a better word thanmenu. I had been on the menu last night, and I’d enjoyed it.

“I was just thinking that meeting a hot bazillionaire sounds pretty damn good. You might want to give him a call sometime and get back together.”

I couldn’t contain my smirk in time.

“You didn’t. You already called him?”

“No, he called before I left and insisted we meet again tomorrow.”

“Well, you certainly don’t need any advice from me then. It sounds like you go on this date and see where it leads.”

“It’s not a date.”

At least I didn’t think it was a date. He’d said he wanted to discuss the deal we weren’t going to come to agreement on, if that made any sense.

Five minutes later, I’d managed to steer the conversation away from my botched one-night stand by asking about Vivienne’s work for the fourth time.

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