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We swayed a slow dance to the music, his hands on my hips and mine on his shoulders, close but not touching.

“Do you want to hear about my two weeks?” he asked.

“Of course.”

He sang along with the music for a moment, ending withI love you. He looked into my eyes. “I got to thinking about my life, and what was important to me.”

I couldn’t hold eye contact. I looked down at his chest.

“You were right,” he said. “I take my promises pretty seriously.”

“Ya think?” I giggled. There was seriously, and then there was beyond seriously, and somewhere beyond that was where Liam put his commitments.

He pulled me closer, and my breasts touched his chest lightly as we swayed. “No fair making fun.”

“Sorry——I mean okay.” I was forgetting my lesson about saying sorry too much.

“So I decided I needed to get my promise to Roberta out of the way before we could be together.”

I blinked back a tear. Was he asking me to wait for him to finish medical school? Four whole years? “Liam, I don’t——”

“Hush. This is the part where you listen, remember?”

He pulled me in closer, and I laid my head against his shoulder. He stroked my hair. “So I took care of my promise, and it’s done. Now I can stay here in Boston with you.”

I pulled back to look at him. “But how? You promised to become a doctor. That’s not something you can just buy.”

Our song began again on his phone. He’d put it on repeat.

“No, I promised to heal people,” he said. “I bought a biotech company, and I’m going to devote myself to that mission, healing way more people than I could as a doctor. But I’m going to need help.”

Tears welled in my eyes. Hope filled my chest. He had found a way to stay and also not have one of his stupid promises tearing him apart?

I hugged him tightly, beginning to cry. “Help?”

The old me would have demanded my girlfriend job back, but he had taught me a lady waited to be asked.

He kissed my head. “The problem, is I need someone to make me eat real food so I stay healthy enough to heal all those people.”

“Like a girlfriend?” I asked with my coyest smile.

“No.” He released me and pulled a box from his coat pocket.

My God, it was a red box with gold lettering. Cartier. My heart tried to pound its way out of my chest.

He opened the box and sank to one knee. “I was thinking wife.” A gorgeous, monster heart-shaped diamond ring sat in the velvet. “Amy Hudson, the day I met you, my life became extraordinary. You are the joy in my heart. Will you do me the honor of taking my name?”

I gasped. “It’s gorgeous.” I shook my head. “But no, not unless you promise to stop with the stupid compliments.”

He closed the box and stood. “That’s a promise I can’t make.”

I jumped into his arms, and the box fell to the floor. “Okay, already. I’ll marry you if you promise to drink your kale smoothies in the morning.”

He lifted me off my feet and twirled me around. “Why is everything with you a negotiation?”


“Five days a week,” he suggested.

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