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I got on the road before I dialed. “Do we have news?” I asked when he answered the phone.

The line went silent. He’d hung up again.

“Fuck you, Nick,” I said out loud before I redialed his number.How much longer are we going to be playing this stupid game?

“I’m a piece of shit” were the first words out of my mouth this time.

“You sure are,” came the reply.

I was hoping he had the Winterbourne spy cornered. “Have you figured out who it is?”

“Yes and no. I’m down to a few candidates.”

I turned right toward the bridge. “Who?”

“I don’t work that way, Liam. No names yet.”

Fucking jerk.

“Why the fuck not?” I demanded.

“I know what it’s like to be accused of something you didn’t do. I’ll give you a name when I’m one-hundred-percent certain I have the right guy.”

I huffed. “Sure.”

I didn’t have a goddammed choice. I was at his mercy here. I hated being so fucking helpless, reliant onhim, of all people.

“Look, Liam,” he started. “I know what I’m fucking doing here. Do you want my help or not?”

“Of course. I’m just…” I searched for the right word. “…anxious to find the mole.”

“Well, the reason I called is I need you to put another piece of bait in the water.”

Now we were getting somewhere; doing something instead of merely waiting improved my mood. “What exactly?”

He explained what he wanted me to write. “And have Veronica give it to Josh after Martin in finance has gone home. Can you arrange that?”

“No problem,” I told him.

Martin was always in early so he could leave by five to pick up his daughter from day care before they closed. Josh never left that early.

After we hung up, I still had a ways to go before reaching my destination, so I turned the problem over and over in my mind. I couldn’t come up with a reason why Martin would betray us. He’d been an early hire and had seemed so…boringly normal for a finance geek.

But then again, money could turn almost anybody, and Winterbourne had plenty to throw around. Martin had two kids, one in school and the other about to start kindergarten. His wife worked, as I recalled, but living in Brookline could be a stretch even on two incomes.

Why did Nick have me giving the note to Josh?

Was the elusive Brinna his other suspect?

It couldn’t be Josh.

Could it?

I almost puked at the thought.Anybody but Josh.

After two more hours of driving, I found the place down at the end of a country lane. It was more secluded than I’d expected.

My fingers found the outline of the ring in my pocket.

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