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“Who?” Josh asked in an annoyed tone.

The byline was Merry Poppins. “It’s that same Poppins bitch from online.”

“That doesn’t fucking do shit for us,” Josh complained.

He was right, but I was still going to find out who she was and why she seemed to be targeting me. I would figure out later whether I should threaten her or buy her off, but this had to stop. In the meantime I needed to get with Schmulian to smooth things over.

Chapter 26


Hue Schmulian called me back after lunch. After a few initial pleasantries, he stated what was on his mind.

“Liam, I have to say that after this morning’s article…”

My blood froze as I waited for his next words. He was going to pull the plug, and our deal would be dead. It was a good thing I didn’t have anything breakable on my desk.

“…I was inclined to go a different direction,” he continued. “But Felicia likes you two and suggested we talk some more.”

I could breathe again. We weren’t dead yet. Felicia liked us, probably all due to Amy impressing her at our previous dinners.

“Felicia and I would like to invite you and Amy out to our beach cottage this weekend.” It seemed the bar had just been raised from dinners to a weekend.

“We'd love to,” I said too quickly. “But before we put that in stone, let me check with Amy, just to be sure.”

Hue laughed on his end of the phone. “I always have to check with my boss, too, when making plans. Let me know what Amy says.”

“Will do.” I told him.

“I'll fax over directions for you.”

He didn't seem to realize people didn't use directions anymore. All I needed was an address and a phone to find any place in the country through the magic of GPS and Siri.

“That would be good,” I answered.

He didn’t stay on the phone any longer than necessary. He wasn’t winning any awards for being chatty today.

I started to compose a text to Amy, but decided a phone call would be better.

“Hi there, handsome,” she answered.

“Hi, Sunshine. How’s your day so far?”

“It went to pretty crappy once I got here. I had another discussion with our turd of a banker, Woolsey, and he won’t commit to a renewal on our line of credit until he sees next quarter’s results.” She huffed exasperatedly over the phone. “So much for my day. What about you?”

I needed to get back to Schmulian quickly. “I have a favor to ask you.”


“The Schmulians would like us to join them at their beach cottage this weekend. Can you make that?”

She didn't hesitate. “Sounds like fun. I'll do whatever you need me to.”

“Thanks, Amy. I appreciate it. See you tonight.”

“Before you hang up, what do you want for dinner?” Her question wasn't an odd one, but it struck me that way.

“Sunshine,” I said. “Let’s turn that around. What would you like me to cook for you tonight?”

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