Page 1 of Polish Boy

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“Oh my God,” Kizzie McCall groaned. She closed her eyes and basked in the taste exploding on her tongue. She was in heaven and didn’t ever want to leave. She clutched the table with her free hand and wanted more. Kizzie lifted the muffin back to her mouth for another bite.

Pure ecstasy.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were about to orgasm.” Mykeisha chuckled.

Kizzie opened her eyes and met her cousin’s twinkling brown ones. Food orgasms had to be a real thing, and if so, this muffin was getting her close.

Mykeisha raised her cup and took a sip of her coffee. “Should I be worried?”

“Only about my hips. I may be going back for another one.” Kizzie giggled. She wiped her hands on her napkin and reached for her drink. She might purchase another one and take it with her on her way to work.

Kizzie and Mykeisha were as close as cousins could be. They had been raised together, seeing that their fathers were brothers. Both women shared warm brown skin, big almond-shaped brown eyes, and were about the same build. Many had mistaken them for sisters. The McCall genes were strong. Their fathers were three years apart and were always assumed to be twins.

“You have nothing to worry about with the way you work out. I’m sure your exercise regime will cancel out the calories from your breakfast,” Mykeisha said, motioning to Kizzie’s food. “Me, on the other hand, I think I gained two pounds just stepping foot in here.”

“You chose the place.” Kizzie grinned.

A few times a week, the girls met for breakfast before going off to work.

Baking 21-6 was the name of the popular bakery they frequented quite often. It was open six days a week and for twenty-one hours a day, providing great teas and coffees, giving any popular coffee chain a run for their money. It was locally owned which made it even better, and many of the locals appreciated the late hours and being able to stop by either after work or before. No matter what time a customer stopped by, they could always count on the bakery to have fresh snacks available.

“Did you see Steve and Zoe are breaking up?” Mykeisha asked.

“Who?” Kizzie frowned, confused. She pondered hard on who her cousin could be talking about. She couldn’t recall either of them having friends by that name.

“The actors.” Mykeisha rolled her eyes. She pulled up her cell phone and turned it around to show a photo of the famous couple.

They were both high-paid actors who had been in major blockbuster movies. Kizzie shook her head and reached for her coffee again. Of course her cousin would be up to date with the latest celebrity gossip.

“Mandy said that he got caught cheating and Zoe is kicking him to the curb.”

“You still reading that gossip column?” Kizzie inquired.

Her cousin was a diehard fan of the gossip columnist, Messy Mandy. The Lunchtime Dish had Mykeisha in a chokehold. She loved reading about all of the juicy details of the people who were featured. Mykeisha always spoke of Messy Mandy as if she knew the woman in real life. Secretly, Kizzie read the gossip as well, but only when she was bored.

At least that was what she told herself.

“Yes, I am!” Mykeisha gasped. Her hand flew to her chest as she stared at Kizzie in shock. “You speak as if you don’t know me.”

Kizzie tutted at her cousin’s dramatics. There was no one on this planet who knew Mykeisha better than she did. They both knew things about the other that they would be taking to their graves.

“I’m not going to comment on that.”

“Well, anyway, as I was saying. Obviously, Steve doesn’t know how to keep his dick in his pants. He got caught in Vegas with three hookers, and it was said that he had got together with his costar, Kenya Knight.” Mykeisha sat back. Her face was lit up as if she was sharing the juiciest of gossip.

“Who cares. They are celebrities. How does their love life affect ours when we don’t have one?”


That even hurt to say it aloud. It was the truth, though. Both Mykeisha and Kizzie had horrible luck when it came to love. Mykeisha had been single for a while now, having given up on dating, while Kizzie had a not-so-impressive track record of bad dates and boyfriends.

Kizzie just didn’t understand how either of them were single. They were both good catches. Mykeisha was the owner of a great bar and grille. She was beautiful, had brains, her own place, car, and money. Kizzie had recently relocated home to help out at their family’s barbecue business. She was college educated, had a fabulous job, savings, and now got to work for her family.

She sighed, thinking of the big move. Relocating from San Francisco to Cleveland had been rough. She had lived in California ever since she had gone there for her undergraduate studies. Kizzie had received a full ride to Stanford University and obtained a business degree.

During her years there, she had fallen in love with the San Francisco area, which made her decision to stay easy. Kizzie loved history and art and loved strolling around parts of town to admire the Victorian homes, especially the famous painted ladies. The city fulfilled her love of art with the countless museums that were around, street fairs, and the food. Any type of food one could imagine; the city had amazing restaurants and cafés to visit. There was just something about the city that called to her.

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