Page 17 of Mr. Hotness

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Giggling, she rested her hand on his chest. “Boy, you can let me go now.”

“No way. I like you just where you are.” He took the pen and scribbled where his name was to go. “See? I signed for it.”

“Give me about another minute or so to get your food ready.”

Laughing, Peggy turned away.

London looked around the establishment and found a few people on their phones or laptops, ignoring everything going on around them.

“Why don’t I snag a table and you grab our order?” she suggested, her smile slowly disappearing from her face. His gaze dropped down to her plump lips. He’d give his left nut to taste them right now.

“That’s fine.”

Releasing her, he immediately missed the feeling of her pressed up against him. If he held on to her any longer, he couldn’t promise he’d behave.

Alana sat down at her favorite booth in Peggy’s store, where it allowed her to have a view of the city, and she could people watch. She placed her bag on the bench beside her.

Glancing up, she met London’s steady gaze and waved.

She had been shocked and nervous when he’d asked if he could tag along with her. She hadn’t known what to think.

Him grabbing her and keeping her flush at his side sent her body into a frenzy.

What was that all about?

Her body had just about gone up in flames. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much. One look at Peggy’s grin, Alana knew she’d have to explain who Mr. Hotness really was.

“Here we go,” London drawled, setting their food and cups on the table. Her breath caught in her throat at the sound of his Southern drawl. She tried to curb her facial expressions, not wanting to look like a lovestruck fool.


She watched him take the seat across from her. His eye color was unusual, captivating her. She couldn’t look away from them.

“What kind of drinks did you order us?”

Alana blinked. Her cheeks warmed at being caught staring at him. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she motioned to their cups.

“Take a sip and tell me what you think.”

Alana waited with bated breath as he sipped the coffee. She’d ordered him the same thing she always got—an Americano, heavy cream, sugar free vanilla, with a few packets of stevia.

She got an espresso—sweetness, with no hint of carbs.

Alana had a sweet tooth, and in her mind, she balanced her meal with this drink and a danish.

Best of both worlds.

“Wow.” He gave her an approving nod. “That is good. Not too sweet, but smooth.”

“Glad you enjoy it. I order it every time I come here.”

Taking a sip of her espresso, she sighed when the flavor coated her tongue.

“You come here often?” London asked. Leaning back, he watched her tear off a piece of the danish and put it into her mouth. His eyes darkened, his gaze settling on her lips.

She ran her tongue along her lips to clean off the stickiness of the glaze.

London picked up his identical danish and took a healthy bite. His eyes widened, and he took another bite before setting it down on the tray.

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