Page 15 of Mr. Hotness

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A female, no less.

One he didn’t sleep with.

He was attracted to her. There was no doubt about that.

Her sweet personality, shyness, her smile, and those damn glasses captivated him.

She wasn’t like the other women he usually surrounded himself with.

She was different.

A breath of fresh air.

Moving to the door, he peered through the peephole.

No signs of anyone in the hallway.

“I’m officially a stalker now,” he muttered, pushing away from the door.

Even if she were to appear, what would he do? Run out there? And then what?

Making his way into the living room, he turned on the TV. The NBA Finals were on, and Khalil’s team had made it in last night with their win. If he won the championship, his value would increase tenfold.

With London representing him, he’d ensure the basketball star got paid every penny he was worth, and then some.

Pulling up the game he’d recorded last night, he started to watch. It would help for him to be up on all the games so far, and important for him to become familiar with Khalil’s style of play.

After a few moments into the game, he caught the sound of a door opening in the hallway. Vaulting over the couch, he snatched up his keys and wallet off the table and opened his door.

Alana gasped and turned around, hefting her bag up on her shoulder.

“Hey, London.”

“Hey, Alana.” Smiling, he put on a calm and collected appearance as he shut and locked his door before fully turning to Alana. After a few moments of studying each other in silence, they broke out into a fit of laughter. “What, might I ask, do you have planned for today?”

He took notice of her pink and purple glasses. Her hair was long, flowing around her shoulders. She was dressed in a long T-shirt that stopped just below her ass over a pair of leggings.

“I’m off to do some work. I can’t concentrate here because I get distracted by things that need to be done. I’ll see dishes in the sink and have a desperate need to wash them, which will then lead to vacuuming and laundry. Before I know it, the whole damn day is gone.” Her hands moved around theatrically as she rattled on, her lips turned up in a grin. He found himself grinning along with her. “So I leave and go to my favorite coffee shop. I also wanted to do a little knickknack shopping today.”

“Mind if I join you? I could use a good cup of coffee and stretch my legs.” She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, causing the arousal he felt for her to blossom. “You can show me some of the cool spots in the area.”

Her grin grew. “I don’t mind at all.”

London settled into walking alongside her toward the elevator, slowing his stride to match hers.

The ride down was quiet. Exiting into the lobby, they made their way outside. It was the weekend, and traffic was light. Having a break from the normal hustle and bustle of downtown life through the week was quite nice.

Alana pointed out little quirky shops, with a story to tell for each one. She captivated him, and he found himself drawn into her world. He’d walked the neighborhood quite a few times, but hadn’t really seen it until now.

“Here’s the best coffee shop around. And Peggy’s danishes are to die for,” Alana gushed.

London took in the scents flowing around them, and his stomach rumbled.

“You had me at best coffee shop.” Placing his hand at the curve of her back, he grabbed the door handle and moved aside for her to enter.

“Thank you,” she murmured, walking past him. Following her in, he kept his hand in place.

The small touch fed his craving for her.

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