Page 90 of Freak Show

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“This is the last time this’ll ever happen, because I quit,” I snapped.

Then I threw a punch at my sister.

Which, sadly, was about the same time that Coco jumped down to launch herself at the steak that was on the grill.

With one swift move, she had it in her mouth and she was running away.

My fist connected with Hades’s jaw, and then Coco’s hurry to get away upended the table between us.

Coffey yelled, but the very last thing I saw before everything went black was my face getting way too close to the bench that was between us all.

What a perfect time for my narcolepsy to rear its ugly head.

I groaned as the light above my face became the bane of my existence.

I’d arrived at the damn hospital an hour ago, for Christ’s sake, and was still sitting in the exact same spot I had been when I’d arrived.

These poor nurses.

I tried to move my neck as much as I could, and realized the only thing that was really hurting was my collar bones where the damn neck brace was digging into my skin.

Now the rest of me? That was a different story.

When I came to, I was having a neck brace fitted around my neck, and two hunky firefighters were leaning over me.

I’d done it again. I’d either fallen asleep or my muscles had gone numb on me, and then promptly hit my head on what I was later told by Keene was the metal bench I’d previously been sitting on.

Fast forward, I was taken to the hospital with the assurance that I needed checked out despite not wanting to go, and the promise that they would contact my family—that wasn’t allowed to come. I didn’t know why they couldn’t come, but at the time I was still partially confused and hadn’t thought to ask questions.

When I arrived at the hospital it was to find the entire freakin’ thing in a flurry.

Apparently, a popular Chinese food restaurant had served an entire truck of bad chicken, causing about half the county to come in complaining about stomach cramping, diarrhea and fevers.

Which was how I got parked in the hallway under a light with nothing to occupy my time but the thoughts of how much the light above me sucked.

Tired of this shit, I reached for the neck brace and nearly had it halfway off when a nurse happened to catch me—though I’d like to point out that it was the first time that I’d seen a nurse in my entire time there.

Of course she’d come by when I was pulling it off.

“Oh, no, no, dear,” she said as she patted my chest. “You can’t take that off.”

I groaned. “I’m fine.”

“You may not be,” she said. “Would you like to be paralyzed for the rest of your life? Because that’s exactly how you get paralyzed for the rest of your life.”

I sighed. “How much longer do you think I’ll have to sit here?”

She looked at me apologetically. “I don’t know.”

I sighed. “Can you turn the light off above me?”

She was already shaking her head. “No, because if I turn this light off, it turns off the entire hallway’s lights.”

“What about something to cover my eyes?”

“If I had it to spare, I would.” She patted my chest. “I’ll go check on the doctor.”

I doubted that, but I let her leave anyway.

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