Page 49 of Freak Show

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We’d had the birth control talk, after all. We were both clean. But I still wanted her to have that option if she wanted it.

She was already shaking her head. “Like I told you, I’m on birth control. I have been since I was young, so I feel like I should really get my money’s worth, you know? Like I’m not taking it for nothing. My dad insisted all of us get on it…because he didn’t want to be having any babies running around that he didn’t want to take care of. Needless to say, when I was old enough to make decisions for myself, I got on the implant.”

She then held her arm up in line with my face, and I saw the small scar there on the inside of her bicep.

“That’s…” I didn’t know what to say.

“Overcontrolling. Overbearing. Annoying. Smart?” she offered.

I was aghast. Like truly.

“Did y’all show signs that y’all wanted to be on birth control?” I asked.

“My dad was…crazy. He was convinced that we were all going to get pregnant at the same time and start popping out babies, forcing him to take care of us for longer than he wanted to,” she grumbled darkly as she dropped her arm. “None of us were even old enough to know what sex was when we were put on birth control. I think we were all thirteen at most.”

“Jesus.” I was already shaking my head. “That’s…”

“Like I said. I have that covered.” She pursed her lips. “And I’d rather not talk about my dad right now.”

I’d rather not be talking about him, either.

I was sort of glad he was dead so I didn’t have to meet him and pretend to like him.

Was that really bad to think?


She looked down then and drew in such a quick, deep breath that I knew she’d finally seen my dick.


I’d been hoping to get it inside of her before she’d had a chance to fully take it in.

“I…” She was looking at it with such rounded eyes that I didn’t know what to do about it.

Should I stop?

“Should I stop?” I echoed my words.

“I…God no.” She was already shaking. At what I now realized was anticipation. “I’ve never wanted to get something inside of me more in my life.”

I threw my head back and laughed.

“God, you’re fucking perfect,” I murmured.

Her eyes were liquid heat as she pulled up and poised herself above me with my cock at her entrance.

Then she started to slowly work herself up and down onto the tip, taking it slow.

Too slow.

I felt like I was about to burst, and she’d only managed to get the tip in.

I groaned, squeezed her hips, and prayed to the gods that were listening that I lasted long enough to get inside of her.

By the time that she was halfway down, I was losing it.

“It’s been a while,” I wheezed, feeling like I needed to explain what was about to happen.

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