Page 46 of Freak Show

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That “melting” went to “stiffening” as she resituated herself, or tried to. I caught her hips before she could move then said, “Are you sure about this? I can wait.”

I didn’t want to wait.

In fact, that sounded like the cruelest form of punishment, if I did say so myself.

“One last thing.” She nibbled on the edge of her lip, letting me know that this was very serious, what she was about to say.

“Yeah?” I asked, loosening up on the downward pressure I’d been forcing her hips into.

“I…might fall asleep.” She cringed.

I froze, thinking about that.

“Um…” I hesitated. “What?”

I mean, now that she brought up the possibility, it did make sense that it would be something that could happen. She did have narcolepsy, after all.

“Getting overly excited…” She blushed profusely. “It’s just…it happens. That’s why I’m not…experienced. The one and only time I tried to have it, I fell asleep during it, woke up and the dude was gone. I don’t even know if he…we…hell. I don’t know if he finished. Or I finished. Or any of that.”

I licked my dry lips. “What do you want me to do if that happens?”

She slowly brought her face up to mine. “I honestly don’t know. For this time…maybe stop until I’m awake. For all others? If this time works out? Maybe I’ll wake up before you finish.”

“That sounds slightly…morbid,” I admitted.

She giggled at that. “My whole life is morbid. Why do you think I only go places non-excitable? What do you think would happen to a woman like me passed out for any man to take advantage of her? I’ve had to live with this since I was a young kid. That’s why I’m the most inexperienced woman on the planet. I have the best career ever to love ’em and leave ’em. Yet I’m not taking advantage of it because I’m slightly terrified of how life will look for me.”

I kissed her then, unable to help myself.

The thought of her being hurt in any way…that was the worst feeling in the world to me.

Just knowing that was a possibility made me want to wrap her up in my arms and never let her go.

The possessiveness that rolled through me felt like fire to my gas-filled veins, and before I could stop myself, I was reversing our positions and falling down onto the couch with her underneath me.

Her hands went beneath her and she started to wiggle, causing me to go up on one elbow to look down.

What I saw—her yanking hastily on her t-shirt—had me grinning.

I went all the way up, stood beside the couch, and started to strip myself.

When I got down to just my boxer briefs and she was down to nothing but her bra, I couldn’t take it anymore and went back into position.

And since I wanted this more than I wanted to breathe my next breath, I slowly shifted her up and myself down until we were both at awkward angles.

But it did serve a purpose.

It put me face to face with her pussy.

I growled low in my throat at the dark black pubic hair shaved into a landing strip.

I smirked as I drew a long finger down the length of it, not stopping when that digit fell between her pussy lips, hit her clit, and kept going to her wet entrance.

She made a sound in the back of her throat, something between a whimper and a squeak, which caused me to look up at her.

“You okay?” I asked.

She swallowed hard and nodded as she folded her lips between her teeth and thinned her lips.

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