Page 25 of Freak Show

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“He has more fans than I do,” Titus said as he patted his belly. “And he doesn’t have to maintain abs to keep the contracts he fulfills.”

Slone batted his eyelashes at him.

“And,” Titus continued, “he gets to eat way more than me.”

Slone wasn’t fat. In fact, I would say he was the fittest person in the room—and that was saying something about him seeing as Banner, who was a Navy SEAL, and Titus, who was a professional running back, were also in the room.

Both of them were way overly fit. There was no doubt about it.

But I knew that if shit hit the fan and strength needed to get us out of our pickle, then Slone would be the one I’d go to. He’d have zero problem hauling my ass around if needed.

Titus and Banner could do it, too. But it was kind of like comparing a Ford Ranger to a Ford Super Duty. They were both trucks, but only one of them would be pulling a backhoe.

“Let’s do it.” Banner stood.

Before I could protest, Slone was placing the baby in my arms and leaving, heading out of the house with the three men yammering up a storm about who would win and who wouldn’t.

Perry looked at me once the door slammed shut, then said, “Not that I have a problem with you holding her, but if you’re interested in passing her off…”

I loved holding the baby.

She was so small and tiny and sweet.

But I couldn’t think about my own selfishness—God, what was it about the sweet baby smells and squeaks that were so awesome?—I had to think about the baby that was in my arms, and her safety.

“As much as I’d love to,” I said as I held her out to her mother, “I don’t think now’s a good time to hold her. I’ve had very little sleep and I’ve already had muscle issues tonight as it is.”

And I’d die if I dropped her.

Perry walked over and took her daughter, then said, “Would you like me to show you to your room?”

We’d come right into the living room where Perry and Banner had ordered pizza for us all.

After the kids had eaten, Slone had taken them to take a shower and to go to bed, where I’d then spent the next twenty minutes telling Banner and Perry about my issues.

The only reason I had was because as I was coming in the door, my knees had gone out from under me, and Banner had been the one to catch me before I’d hit the floor.

“I’d love one.” I paused. “Are there any on the first floor, though?”

“The sleepwalking thing doesn’t agree with stairs?” she asked.

I was already shaking my head. “Nope.”

“Well then yes, there are a few downstairs. Though I’m not sure any of them have sheets. But I can fix that. There’s a linen closet right…” She walked to the hall closet and pulled out a sheet set. “Here. And, since they’re all king-sized beds, one size fits all.”

I followed her to the room, then walked inside to see opulence.

“When they bought this place, it was from an older couple that had been trying to sell it for a couple of years. They were looking for just the right people—or hell, dollar sign—and sold everything. Beds, linens, furniture. You name it, Slone and Titus bought it,” she explained as she dropped the sheets onto the mattress. “All the things you see in here are their old things. And all the ‘opulence’ as you murmured earlier? All them. If it were up to Titus and Slone, this place would be a freakin’ hovel with mattresses on the floor.”

I snorted out a laugh.

Typical male.

I helped her put the final touch on the bed just as I heard laughing outside my window.

Perry set Jett down in the middle of the bed, and the two of us walked to the window and pulled back the shades.

There, right outside the window, were the three men racing each other across the grass.

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