Page 25 of Ghostly Glances

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“Bingo!” I beamed. “I think it’s a little Easter egg from the universe, or maybe just decorators with a sense of humor."

We continued our little tour, stopping next at an old wooden door near the basement. "I call this the 'Door to Nowhere.' It's locked and doesn't lead to any known room. Nobody knows what's behind it except ghosts like me. And we’ve discovered there is nothing.”

"A mystery within a mystery, huh?" Logan leaned closer to inspect it.

As we roamed the hallways, I suddenly got an idea, a whimsical urge to take Logan somewhere special. "Follow me," I beckoned, drifting ahead, until we reached the end of the corridor.

I led him to a slightly discolored brick in the wall near the janitor's closet. I'd discovered the hidden nook years ago, when I was still alive and had my own apartment in the building. "Press that brick, gently," I instructed.

Logan did, and a tiny compartment popped open, revealing an old, somewhat faded photo. It was me, sporting a younger grin and a cheesy holiday sweater.

"I stashed this here ages ago," I admitted, eyes fixed on the photo. "You know, in case something ever happened to my apartment—fire, burglary, or worse."

Logan picked up the photo carefully. "Ben, this is amazing. A piece of you—your history."

I nodded. "What do you say we include it in tonight's ritual? Seems like the kind of artifact that could lend some extra potency, don't you think?"

Logan's eyes lit up. "I can’t think of anything more perfect.”

As we turned the corner back toward our apartment, we passed Lucy's door. I couldn't resist giving her doormat a little flick, making it dance briefly in the air before landing upside down. Logan chuckled and whispered, "I'll explain later."

After we returned home, still savoring the charming secrets of our building, we heard a knock at the door. The timing was perfect, almost scripted. Logan opened the door, and there stood Holly.

Her jet-black hair framed her face like a dark halo, and her amber eyes looked right through me—or at me? It was hard to tell.

There was no denying her aura; it shimmered in colors I didn't even know existed. She projected a blend of authority and something like...recognition. Holly was no rookie in the supernatural department.

"Hey, Hol," Logan greeted, stepping aside to let her in.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," she declared as she swept into the room. Her presence was unlike that of anyone else I’d met.

"So, you're the famous Ben," she said, eyes locking onto the space where I hovered—invisible, or so I thought.

Wait. She could see me?

"I've heard a lot about you," she continued, her eyes not wavering. "It's nice to finally meet the spirit who's captured Logan's heart."

I ensured I materialized into my translucent best—no use in confusing anyone.

Logan looked between us. "I guess formal introductions are in order."

I floated closer, still in awe. “I think we’ve got this. Hello, Holly. I must say it’s quite startling to meet someone who can actually see me when I think I’m invisible. That's a game-changer."

Her lips curled into a mysterious smile, one ripe with unspoken knowledge. "Oh, trust me, the game is just getting started."

As afternoon gave way to evening, I could hardly contain my excitement. I watched as Logan and Holly sat on the floor, pieces of parchment spread around them like battle plans filled with ancient wisdom. They discussed tonal variations, placements of elements, and a dozen other details that sounded crucial to success.

Time seemed to drag and fly, each tick of the clock an odd kind of agony and ecstasy.

Left alone in the kitchen, I floated along the countertop, enjoying the unique sensation one last time. I glided into the living room, passing straight through our creaky, much-loved couch. That old piece of furniture had been the backdrop for watching so many movies together. It was also the location for my late-night 90s sitcom binges.

Next, I passed through the door into the bathroom. It held a different sort of nostalgia. It was the mirror, that big, framed rectangle above the sink, where I'd first made myself visible to Logan. Not some kind of haunting horror-movie moment, but a playful "hello" from the other side.

I entered the mirror and looked at my reflected form. This place had been the starting point of our relationship, the stage for our opening awkward conversation. Here, I'd gradually revealed myself, tentative at first, then more boldly as Logan's initial shock turned into fascination.

I'd never be in the mirror world again after tonight, at least not like this. But then my reflection seemed to smile, encouraging me to embrace whatever lay ahead. There were countless other "firsts" waiting for Logan and me, experiences that required a flesh and blood body to appreciate fully.

With a sensation that felt like a ghostly sigh, I drifted back into the bathroom and then into the kitchen. What I was leaving behind was significant, yes, but what was coming was incomparable.

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