Page 61 of The Unperfects

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“You look like a prostitute.” I grumble. I mean a high paying one like one a politician would use, but whatever, I’m not in the mood to give her a compliment. “How could you?”

“Here we go.” Sophie laughs and slams her purse down next to the Amex and the bracelet. She reads the note, then the name on the card. “Wow, and I’m the prostitute?”

“Go away. I really don’t want to talk to you right now.”

She snatches the card. “Maybe I’ll go on a shopping spree, it’s the least he can do for leaving you like this, right? I mean, don’t they all when they find out you’re sick?”

Bile rises in my stomach. “He left because you slept with him and I lied to him about it, not because I’m sick.”

She rolls her eyes and sits on the bar top, crossing her legs. “If that’s what you have to tell yourself so you get out of bed in the morning, then so be it, but at the end of the day he still walked out the door, if it wasn’t for me, he would have eventually gotten tired of your constant neediness, so really I did you a favor, you can thank me later.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream.

Sam walks in the room. “Everything okay in here?”

“She was just leaving.” I point to my sister.

My sister hops down from the counter onto her tall heels and sighs. “Mom and dad won’t be back for another few days, let me know when you get lonely and I’ll come watch a movie with you and stop sulking, you’ll get wrinkles, plus the sex wasn’t even that good.”

I want to throw something at her devious smirk.

She says I take everything from her, but I think it’s the other way around. Is it too much to ask for a sister that actually cares? We were close before I got sick and that just went completely out the window.

I don’t even recognize her anymore.

She sashays toward the door and looks over her shoulder. “I’m headed to a party, I’ll see you when I see you I guess,” She holds out his credit card. “And please tell Quinn thank you.”

“Sophie! No!”

She laughs. “Oh, I’m not going to go crazy, but remember he owes you, he owes us, plus he’s rich, you can’t even apply for this card unless you have loads of cash.”

She slams the door and I don’t have the energy to chase after her. I quickly call Quinn again, he doesn’t answer.

So I text.


Sophie stopped by, she stole your card, I’m so sorry I didn’t have the energy or strength to chase her, cancel it right away before she ruins your life like she did mine and buys a new car with it.

It’s delivered, but he hasn’t read it yet.


Quinn? Please, I don’t want her taking advantage of you more, and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I really care for you, as much as you don’t believe me. Please come back so we can talk. Please. Please.

I’m desperate and I know it.

I watch the sunset later that day, my phone finally goes off, I nearly drop it when I see that it’s Quinn.


Noted. Already at the airport.


Come back.


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