Page 20 of The Unperfects

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She forgot I was still on the phone, so I hang up first and start walking. I need to get out; I need the fresh sea breeze—what I really need is to hang out with Quinn. It feels freeing, but now I don’t know if I can face him, I’m not sure I can keep myself from confessing everything, not just what I’m sick with but what happened with my twin.

It’s so messed up.

I would so love the ice cream he offered me last night. How did things get so messed up so fast?

I grab my purse and a pair of sunglasses and leave the house, power walking down the boardwalk like my life depends on it.

Ice cream. I’ll eat ice cream. I repeat that mantra in my head a dozen times as I round the corner and come to a complete and total stop.

It’s Sophie, and she’s with Quinn.

Wait, what?

Maybe it was a random meeting?

I had my phone with me all night and while she knows my passcode she would never, right? Never.

He starts laughing and leans in, then pulls her against his chest and kisses her head.

He thinks he’s kissing mine.

He thinks it’s me.

This is freaking diabolical.

I start walking toward them, then stop when she turns in my direction. Her eyes say it all. She pats his face and then walks toward me. I round the corner and try not to hyperventilate.

Sophie meets me in front of the store, the wind whips at my face as I stare out at the beach, I can’t even meet her eyes.

“So, this is how this is going to go.” She leans against the wall. “You’re not going to say shit about last night, not that he’d believe you, I’m very good at impersonating your sad innocent face, have been for years, and I won’t tell him that you have Lupus and are constantly fainting and laying in bed like the loser you are. And you let me go on a date with him.”

“What?” I jerk my head toward her. “He’s not an object! And I barely know him!”

“And yet…” She grins. “…you took him to the movie theater, and you went into the old section, trust me, that was one of the best moments of his life, he’s not going anywhere. Plus, he’s decided to take a gap year, so he’s here for a while, not just vacation, I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? He gets a ton of action for like months on end? Would any guy say no to that?”

“Stop!” I yell. “Just stop! He’s a person and a really good person from what I know, you can’t just—he’s fragile right now and I won’t do this—“

“—Again?” She grins. “You mean you won’t do this again.” She taps her mouth with her fingertip. “Because isn’t this kind of sort of what you did Senior year when I was dating Brax?”

“He was in on it and I had no idea!” I hiss under my breath. “He hurt me, he hurt us!”

“He”—she seethes—“was the love of my life and you stole him from me because at the end of the day, he chose you, not me. So right now, I’m going to choose Quinn and you’re going to deal with it, but don’t worry, I’ll leave you some scraps, even dogs deserve a bone.”

She walks off.

My heart cracks in my chest.

I never meant to hurt her and had no idea Brax had this weird fascination with twins or that he was purposefully doing it because he was a sick bastard and no matter how many times I tell her she doesn’t believe me.

Her hatred has always run deep.

Years ago, she dressed differently.

Years ago, she did her makeup differently.

The minute things happened with Brax—she started copying everything I did, almost like she lost her own personality or individuality but I know the truth, she did it to hurt me and then told my parents that it was because she felt bad for me when I was diagnosed.

She walks away and skips into Quinn’s arms, and he spins her around.

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